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Anti Islam, Anti Sharia Law

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beezaneez | 12:19 Thu 03rd Oct 2013 | Society & Culture
41 Answers
do you think all the people ( religions and various races and creeds ) are rising up against islamization of the world ?

i would like to hear some views .



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How would this 'rising up' manifest itself? A Crusade?
Nothing of consequence will happen until politicians are either directly threatened by it or just grow a pair in general and inform aherents as to where the bus for the middle ages leaves from.
sandyRoe, A start would be for moderate Muslims to begin saying 'no' - but they don't because Islam, which is deemed beyond criticism, tells them they are 'brothers'. If they are all subsequently tarred with the same brush, who's fault is it?
Tut! *whose not who's. Tired. Time for bed.

Night all.
No but I think we should be more aware of them. Sharia law is dreadful and there is much of their culture being allowed here that is not considered appropriate, e.g the burqa and hijab are the most divisive of garments and imo not necessary. Of all the religions in this country that is the one that demands the most attention. They have not, and possibly will never integrate with us as most other immigrants have done, they intend to take over.
i hope they do.

but then i wish ALL religions were destroyed.

islam is a horrible religion - but so are all others - nothing that has been done in the name of islam is all that much more abhorrent than all the terrible things done in the name of christianity over the thousands of years.
As I said earlier. Nothing but Islamophobia.
I don't speak Greek-would you mind explaining the word Islamophobia in English please ?
there is no phobia about it.
i am not afraid - i hate all religions equally.

a phobia is, by definition, an irrational, overwhelming fear of something that cannot harm you.
it is not a phobia to be scared of something dangerous and negative - like sharks or snakes etc - that is normal and sensible

and before anyone starts, i think its a given that when people complain about muslims and islam - and any other religion for that matter - they are referring to the nutjob extremists - the bad ones.

everyone knows that there are good and bad in everything.

I read today that two Asian schoolboys have grown beards and have refused to shave them off for school, claiming it represented their religious belief. There is nothing in the Koran to say they should have a beard, is this the male equivalent of the burqa/niqab wearing fallacy that it is part of their religion? Or just two fingers - again - to the general rules that people abide by here, to which they believe they are immune.
I wish they would.
Keyplus, as Joko has said a phobia equates to an irrational fear. There is nothing irrational in fearing brainwashed madmen.
To be honest with ya, I'd be happy to see religion banned.
Seems to be causing too many wars.
Keyplus, Islamophobia doesn't exist.The number of dead people produced by islam proves that a fear of islam is perfectly rational.
////Keyplus, Islamophobia doesn't exist.The number of dead people produced by islam proves that a fear of islam is perfectly rational.////

What about all of the Muslims killed by None Muslims? Are they more or less? And more importantly do they matter? I guess not.
Must be hell getting caught in the crossfire of ones own religion.
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Ohhhhh my mistake. I thought those countries and many other places were invaded by USA & Co for a joint venture and with mutual interests. Perhaps they want there just for holidays. I must have read the wrong newspaper. Or perhaps we are not supposed to talk the people being killed by tanks, fighter jets, drone, and all kind of bombs and weapons being tested on real people for marketing purpose and rather pay attention on few individuals killing others. My mistake.
Muslims are killing seeking out Christians in churches and Nigerian shopping malls does that count at all?
Keyplus, a few individuals killing others? Yes indeed, you must have read the wrong newspaper.

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