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Beez, did your children born in Thailand finally get the UK? I know you had a lot of problems with visas.
yes hc4, we did have a long 4 year battle with home office to have our children re united with their mum here in uk, she was hard working, married to uk citizen, had a sister born here in uk, the twin boys were only 10 years old and some heartless as******e within the home office thought fit to refuse them entry to uk , even though their mum had a resident visa to reside lawfully in uk. we went through 2 high court battles with ukba, high court granted our kids entry but ukba appealled and appealed again, our lawyer had never seen the like of this before, we got them back after 4 years of heartbreak and worry , 2 young 10 year old children only wanted to be with their family, is that fair ? that is what makes me sick about our immigration policies, let in beggers and spongers , whole families from pakistan ( who have no ties to uk ) to sponge off our welfare system, come to create trouble, all you good doers can deny it all you like but really , we all know the truth deep down inside, dont we