my guess is tht it's because the threads are in hte new section, and many many posters have been put off answering or even going in the secion by the utter effing rudeness that goes on in there
Debate tell me what that is because from what I read it doesn't sound like debating? It sounds like the sort of people who I hear in town talking on the phone but when I look again they don't have a phone.
I had to put down my yogurt knitting and left my mouth open when i read this.
- we re still here and we say NO to rape even if it is by dark muslims whose only English seems to be 'I kill you now'.
I would expect louder cries of "People who rape arent Muslims"
The only time I have heard that is from the christians in Philadelphia
and yes I was surprised that the first German Police reaction was to shrug and say these things happen ...
The police chief lost his job
when a senior police officer shrugs and says that here he gets a knighthood ! or a place in the House of Lords - even better
Some German dumkopf said that the girls were dressed provocatively and has been covered in chocolate and turned over to Lesbians ......
How do you think I should cook it and more importantly where in the oven should I put it to the left or to the right? Or maybe put it in then take it out and then do the hokey cokey and turn around! So many decisions.
Gosh! Have an opinion of my own! That is all rather jolly but do I look at all the facts ponder my opinion or do I go with the knee jerk reaction? And if I put it to the right what will the lefties say? And if I put it to the left what will the right say? If I put it in the middle of the oven will I be accused of sitting on the fence!
Gosh this debating is a jolly wheeze!!