Well there are safeguards that can allow your right and left leaning friends to enjoin a debate then. No use sitting on the sidelines. Get stuck in and give as good as you get. If not, it would appear, debates are not the right place for certain people of a sensitive nature to enter.
Well I'm just back from the pub, and as mentioned earlier I am still in general 'left leaning' (wife notified me I typed mention not mentioned)
But I am still perplexed by any astute forward thinking replies from ...cough... my fellow left leaners ...
Please give some replies that will make think happier thoughts of what the future may hold.
Well there have been loads of replies to your OP whilst you have enjoyed a noggin or two. Not sure who are left wingers but most posts are totally irrelevant to your quest for actual answers. Most seem worried about this thread descending into Hades and are reluctant to answer about the current troubles re migrant/refugee issues. I cannot but think why. In case you are wondering I am a bit right wingish. Always like to let people know where they stand with me. :-)
I know you are right wing-ish retro and I wil never agree with you when you speak of Margret Thather, an evil woman of the highest order imo.
I should have (and more likely do have) more in common with the likes of mikey, ich, Sandy etc . But I can not and will not bury my head in the sand, that only exasperates a problem.
I must give my full apologies to Svejk. Now I am afforded the chance, by you, to see who said it and in what context then I should not of suggested it was a drunken rant.
It does help if posters are a little more forthcoming, get off the fence and do not talk in riddles lest their virtue signals get injured. Thank you for the straightforward heads up.
This poster is quite happy with the rudeness and abuse, but would like a better quality of debate. Starting point: listen to your opponents' arguments, explain why they're wrong, and, finally, insult them.
The order of these reactions is important. And getting the order wrong (or ignoring any of the steps) is the real indicator of bigotry and stupidity.
Don't you agree, Pierre?
It's French for rock or stone, Retrocop. The pun exists both in French and the common Greek in which the New Testament was written (and in which my Aunt Sally is expert): "Thou art Peter, and on this rock I will build my Church".