When I posted that "hope it doesn't affect the way you see me", it wasn't necessarily because I thought you knew the reasons. More that the "OK. Thanks," was rather a muted response, and I wasn't sure what (if anything) to take from it.
At any rate, the point is that I don't want this to be something that people define me by.
* * * *
Like I said, it's a very hard question to answer -- again, though, while my sexuality is my own affair, I'm struggling to remember when I identified myself on this site as completely 100% hetero. Others who crossdress may well be, but that's by the by. The mistake is in associating the two anyway. For some dressing in women's clothing is a very sexual thing, for others it doesn't have a thing to do with what they get up to in bed, and who they like to spend time in bed with.
It is, anyway, a very difficult thing to explain. I'd love to. But beyond the "it's just right", I can't. Don't mix it up with sex or sexuality, is all.