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Why Do British Women Find It So Difficult To Dress Classy?

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dave50 | 12:54 Fri 08th Apr 2016 | Society & Culture
78 Answers
I cant imagine a Italian or French woman going to a ladies day looking like some of this lot.


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Yeah...chunky people should stay indoors!
ummmm, the word was 'Chucky' (as in Chucky Doll) not chunky.
The actual dresses are not all bad, but they don't seem to know how to wear them, it would be interesting to see, say The Dutchess of Cambridge in them.
What really comes as a shock - as one who lives outside the UK- is how nearly every one of these ladies is so overweight, this combined with a lack of deportment I'm afraid makes them look like a bunch of slappers.
> Why Do British Women Find It So Difficult To Dress Classy?

The word is classily, old chap ...
Dave...see related questions asked exactly the same thing last year ;)
The same question rears its head every year along with other favoured topics , some look good, some ok and some like they got dressed in the dark - same when any large gathering is viewed.

They look to be having a fun time, so no problem to me.
I guess it proves dave's point then. Nothing changes for the better. :-)
Well said mamya. Life's too short to worry about such inconsequential fripperies.
I still don't understand what makes them tarts. Or from last years post 'slappers'
Zaks, shame on you, calling them names. Someone called them "tarts"; another, "slappers"; and now they're "inconsequential fripperies".
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There's nothing wrong with the majority of the dresses.
oh dear...
I'd be really uncomfortable being so judgemental about people I didn't know.
Same, Mamy, you can't tell what a person is like from one picture. is not being judgmental at all..just don't think some of them looked in the mirror before leaving home today !
Calling them 'chavs' 'tarts' and 'slappers' is very judgmental.
Can't disagree with that MM, I said as much myself but descriptions such as slappers. tarts and chavs to my mind is judging a person.
Silk Purse and Sow's Ear come to mind with a few of them.

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