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Austerity Intensifies.

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Theland | 17:53 Tue 18th Dec 2018 | Society & Culture
91 Answers
News item. Now we have baby banks. Food, nappies cots and toys.

I wish we could have retrospective prosecutions for the bankers and the other elites responsible for the 2008 crash, including the so called regulators who failed us all.

These Tories are shameless.


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Theland, //…to answer your questions.//

You haven’t… again.

//What would your friend the vicar of the local church where you help out with the fabric fund, make of your attitude towards the food banks, baby banks, benefit sanctions etc etc?//

And what is my attitude towards all that? Do you know – or are you making assumptions because I object to those who take anything they can get for free jumping on the bandwagon? My friend, the vicar, would agree with me because whilst those people are doing what they do she recognises, as I do, that they are taking from those who genuinely need help – and you, and people like you, Theland, are enabling that. The system isn’t perfect – no system is – but regardless of its effectiveness you wouldn’t be satisfied because you think the world owes the less well-off a living – and it doesn’t. You bang on sanctimoniously about children going to school hungry but no one in this country is starving. No one. If children are going to school hungry yet again those who won’t take responsibility – in this case uncaring parents – are at fault and should be held to account – but in your world they never will be because your agenda rejects honesty in favour of a public exhibition of faux altruism. I have no objection whatsoever to caring for people who are unable, for whatever reason, to care for themselves – society absolutely MUST care for those people - but I’m damned if I’m happy to work to enable the many takers of this world to continue taking.

Incidentally, I am not alone in recognising your usual dramatics…. or didn’t you read the other posts?

1ozzy. Your beneficence won’t stop thieves stealing from you. Thieves thieve.
Question Author
So who in your opinion is in genuine need?
Those who are in genuine need, Theland.

Still no answer to my questions.
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Usual dramatics? Faux altruism? You really are bitter aren't you? And my responses don't please you so you dare to treat this like a cross examination.
The media have documented the very real problems that people face, with work assessments, weeks without and money, benefit sanctions, sometimes in a minority of cases justified, but generally contrived to meet sanction targets in individual job centres. Again well documented.
You make too many assumptions not based on any evidence other than anecdotal, the scroungers label is always ready to be applied.
You should be a little less insulting and superior and try a little humility and understanding of others.
And if your vicar friend shares your views, then she should be ashamed of herself, for betraying her calling.
Surely the issue is people having kids when they can't afford to sustain them?
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The Despatches programme showed a painter and decorator. When his wife was expecting their third child, he had a car accident. Lost time off work, and left with a permanent back injury. Back at work, but cannot earn as much as before because of his injuries. They are helped by the baby bank.
Yes there is a problem with some irresponsible family planning, but one in five people using the bank are working and are referred there by health professionals.
So where is the massive irresponsibility?
The tv is not going to show how many people fiddle are they it doesn’t suit their agenda on this occasion.
But people having more children than they can guarantee being able to care for is irresponsible.
Did your painter and decorator have accidents insurance? If you have a family you have responsibilities
"So where is the massive irresponsibility?"

In the government... As you've said, it's austerity simply intensifying.
Question Author
I know about responsibilities. I don't have to be told.
We have six children, and my wife stayed home to look after them and the home, and I worked to provide.
We never took a penny from anybody.
I think I was responsible.
But I recognise unwanted need when people fall through the cracks.
Well I have seen those that do not take responsibility and as a taxpayer I object to paying for those that have children without thinking about the consequences
Different times... Things are more expensive now a days, worse quality, but more accessible.

If every family had six kids, then their kids had six kids.. then the world would be a very crammed place before we know it.

Population is a huge, HUGE factor with this kind of thing.
" and as a taxpayer I object "

So? So what?Can't change nout.
Question Author
The economy crashed. The banks were bailed out. The deficit spiralled out of control.
Austerity became policy to address the problem.
25% of all government spending is on welfare. Massive savings from the welfare bill were required.
Ian Duncan Smith was tasked with finding welfare economies.
He did by designing Universal Credit. Then the bedroom tax. Then a freeze on benefits.
Osborne demanded he find more savings. He did.
Osborne demanded he find even more savings. He did.
Osborne demanded even more savings. He resigned.
If I.D.S. thought further cuts were unfair, and resigned over it, then no surprises when further savings are made by immoral cuts in welfare, and destitution becomes government policy.
There is no such thing as the bedroom tax!
And yes the benefits need changing they are supposed to be for short term support not to be used as a source if income
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Rockrose, you, Naomi and I are all in complete agreement. Irresponsible family planning should have some consequences, and rule breakers should be sanctioned.
But it is a question of scale, and that should not be determined by anecdotal evidence.
It is so easy to tar everybody with the same brush. But wrong.
Bedroom tax is/was a thing, RR.
"Under-occupancy penalty"
No bedroom tax was the name given by the tabloids.
I have seen wide scale abuse of the system that is evidence enough for me thank you. The addition of twins with disabilities to get extra money multiple twins that apparently ran in families
RR, if it was a name given by the tabloids, then it's still a real thing, it's just not an official term... AKA an informal term for the Under-occupancy penalty

Saying that there is no such thing as bedroom tax, is wrong.

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