Theland, //…to answer your questions.//
You haven’t… again.
//What would your friend the vicar of the local church where you help out with the fabric fund, make of your attitude towards the food banks, baby banks, benefit sanctions etc etc?//
And what is my attitude towards all that? Do you know – or are you making assumptions because I object to those who take anything they can get for free jumping on the bandwagon? My friend, the vicar, would agree with me because whilst those people are doing what they do she recognises, as I do, that they are taking from those who genuinely need help – and you, and people like you, Theland, are enabling that. The system isn’t perfect – no system is – but regardless of its effectiveness you wouldn’t be satisfied because you think the world owes the less well-off a living – and it doesn’t. You bang on sanctimoniously about children going to school hungry but no one in this country is starving. No one. If children are going to school hungry yet again those who won’t take responsibility – in this case uncaring parents – are at fault and should be held to account – but in your world they never will be because your agenda rejects honesty in favour of a public exhibition of faux altruism. I have no objection whatsoever to caring for people who are unable, for whatever reason, to care for themselves – society absolutely MUST care for those people - but I’m damned if I’m happy to work to enable the many takers of this world to continue taking.
Incidentally, I am not alone in recognising your usual dramatics…. or didn’t you read the other posts?
1ozzy. Your beneficence won’t stop thieves stealing from you. Thieves thieve.