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Human Differences.

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Theland | 22:56 Fri 25th Jan 2019 | Society & Culture
47 Answers
Is it racist to recognise the differing strengths and weaknesses of different races of human beings?
Kenyans are generally supreme at long distance running. Jamaicans are generally supreme at sprinting.
Afro Americans are generally bigger and stronger than other races.
Indians / Pakistanis are as a race, generally more intelligent than white west European people.
Well documented.
So just stating the facts, is it racist? Should we turn a blind eye in the interest of Political Correctness?


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Different races are going to average a different set of genes, but it's considered too dangerous to allow that sort of thing to be stated. Plays into the hands of those who wish to claim superiority so we must all deny it.
Turn a blind eye?? No! We should accept that as its true.
It's stating facts. Simple as.
cricket commentators used to claim that the West Indies used to produce an endless stream of fast bowlers because of something genetic to do with their spines.

Then they all dried up for 20 years. So it seems the "facts" were just cobblers.
//So it seems the "facts" were just cobblers//

Presumably the assertion that there are genetic differences is not in dispute, that is to say "cobblers".

The contentious bit comes when you suggest that factors like intelligence may have a genetic base. (I remember the Jensen and Eysenck riots in the sixties).

The suggestion may be true; and it may be false. But it is not a priori an unreasonable question. Neither is asking it a proof of bigotry or hatred.

Take the Kenyan (or more generally Central/Eastern African) success at long-distance running. This is certainly not in dispute: they've dominated the sport for quite some time now. But the reasons behind this are very poorly-understood. Here is a review from 2000 that presents an (admittedly out-of-date) review of the research, for example:

In particular, the following passage is worth noting:

"However, irrespective of the existence or otherwise of any physiological advantage, it is possible that the attribution of caucasian running “failures” to anecdotal stable external factors disempowers caucasians. Similarly, this attribution style empowers the East African, just as it did the Scandinavians in the early 20th century and Australasians in the 1950s and 1960s, with a psychological advantage, the importance of which cannot be overestimated."

Or, in short, it is worth asking, "Are this stereotypes self-fulfilling prophecies?" Especially in sports, there's a great deal of importance that can be attached to, say, funding, or facilities, or inspiration: the choice of which sport a budding athlete pursues is not arbitrary, and owes a lot to the opportunities available to them. You don't see many Kenyans competing at the top level in track cycling, but then again, how many velodromes are there in Kenya? None, apparently, so of course no-one enters that sport.

Success begets success, anyway, is the point. It becomes difficult to prove that African long-distance runners are just going to be naturally good at that for factors outside their control, when you have to disentangle various social and cultural factors.

I could go on. But it's just common sense not to make the statement that "Central/Eastern Africans are good long-distance runners" without adding a tonne of massive caveats and small print.
Greater intelligence is the capacity to do something even stupider than average.
Jim is explaining that cultural influences have an important effect on human behaviour and achievement.

If only this obvious fact were taken more seriously.

yes - most of your facts are racist
and rubbish....

In 1980 a senior person said to me - The Indians are a very peaceful law abiding nation - you never hear of this and that .....

and I could not resist commenting as my family was stuffed with ICS: yes their peaceful demeanour accounts for only half a million deaths in 1947 during partition - because if they were warlike - there would have been many more.....

he kept quiet abnout our glorious Indian EMpire after that ....

Jamaicans can run and shoot but they cant read or write
god help us - this must be AB at night
Why say in one sentence what you can say in 50? :P
// but it's considered too dangerous to allow that sort of thing to be stated.//

Most of those on AB are vegetables -
90% of DNA we share with plants and single celled animals and all that means is that it takes that amount of DNA to run a cell
the rest is icing

This observation led to the widespread quotations that we were 98.5% similar to chimps in our DNA, sometimes, mistakenly, that we had 98.5% gene similarity.

it has gone down to 95%

but you know hell the differences are very small

I am not sure if the 'races' have any disjoint markers ....
but I cant say I lie awake at night....

Of course Africans can run faster than us. We don't have lions chasing our arisses.
// Why say in one sentence what you can say in 50? :P//
here we actually have a 'serious' thread discussing things that have been debunked in primary school 50 y ago - which you know Jim

what you didnt know was my little story about Partition which I decided to share with you - and now you know ( were reminded) of something which was true - that there were up to a million deaths during Partition in 1947,

with accusatory fingers pointing at the main players - Gandhi, Jinna and Mountbatten

Question Author
I am convinced the differences are real.
And my race is not top of the league in many categories.
I accept this as real.
"The Indians are a very peaceful law abiding nation".

Well, certainly a broad generalisation. Easily and finally contradicted by the "half a million deaths in 1947" which occurred in the extraordinary circumstances of partition.

I see.
You can be convinced as you like, but a great deal of research has gone into this and generally doesn't turn up much. Way too unclear to make any definitive statements like this.
And the relevance of partition to the OP is what, exactly?

Apart from proving that Indians are not peaceful and law-abiding. I got that bit.
Indians / Pakistanis are as a race, generally more intelligent than white west European people.

I've always thought that, I mean you only have to look at the differences of say Islamabad against say Amsterdam as an example .
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The intelligence of Indians is I believe held back to some extent by their religion and culture.
Without these constraints, they fly to the top.
more dope in Amsterdam?

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