Is The Eu Democratic? in The AnswerBank: Society & Culture
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Is The Eu Democratic?

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vetuste_ennemi | 12:47 Tue 29th Jan 2019 | Society & Culture
24 Answers
I think not.

This my take on the issue: we joined a trading bloc originally; now we've ended up having delegating legislative and juridical authority to an EU whose policies are set by an oligarchy.

Please argue for and against.
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Was Brutish government a Freudian slip, Ich? ;-)
ichi; //Then there’s the question often asked: name a single law that the Brutish government have wanted to oppose but the EU has overruled them. Erm ... //

Better go and have a word with David Cameron about that!
The idea that we 'joined a trading bloc' which later got subverted is, in my opinion, a myth.

I'm also not convinced that we're going to suddenly find ourselves in a more meaningfully sovereign position outside the EU. We will be highly exposed to political and economic forces that are outside of our control. When negotiating our new trade deals with the rest of the world, for example, the simple reality of our position means we're going to get dictated to. We'll also still be members of NATO and WTO, which do infringe on our sovereignty (but apparently aren't as serious a problem for Brexiters).
Is it a rule that when the headline/title poses a question the answer has to be, "No" ?

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