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Wy Do You Hate Vegans? Vegan Here... Ask Me Anything :)

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divegirl | 08:57 Sat 04th May 2019 | Society & Culture
333 Answers
I love this site... have been a member for far too long lol

I rarely post but am always here and as a vegan I am basically gobsmacked at times at peoples attitude towards my lifestyle choice and yes it is a choice. As is yours.

BUT [from the Vegan Society]

Veganism is a way of living which seeks to exclude, as far as is possible and practicable, all forms of exploitation of, and cruelty to, animals for food, clothing or any other purpose.

At 47 years of age [50 this year] I adopted the Vegan lifestyle because I became aware of the apathy and my own jaded sense of what is right and wrong. Right to kill a pig... but not a dog? blah blah blah

Have you ever watched any documentaries concerning veganism? Earthlings? Cowspiracy? What the health?

Do you know what cognitive dissonance is?

I'm not posting this to be confrontational, I am truley interested in what people think :)

Lisa x



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Not veganism naomi, but vegeterianism and I'm starting tomorrow when I go shopping for food. I totally agree with andres, there is far too much suffering in the animal world, all down to us. How awful for them to know they are going to die.
08:58 Mon 06th May 2019
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''I wouldn't want to kill an animal myself any more than I'd want to build my own house, car, washing machine, furniture, make my own clothes and so on and so on.

There are people who do that stuff for us and I'm happy to let them. ''

And do you ever wonder what sort of toll it takes on the individual who does this job? And if it doesn't affect their mental health... what sort of person are they?

Do any of the vegan products you buy/eat contain soy?
Of course they do! But we grow the majority of our soy to feed the animals you eat. Please watch Cowspiracy and then we can debate properly :)

I'm not preaching, just answering questions :)

Soooo many excellent vegan 'tubes' [read sausages but I don't want to offend anyone with my terminology]. Linda Mac sausage rolls are lovely too.

Because I want the misery to end for the animals. Not just made slightly less horrific to appease the conscience of carnivores.

I am well aware that there are hens that live a fantastic life. Many of my friends keep hens and they do fabulously once they leave the farm 'barns'. My concern is with the hmmmm what example shall we use?
The 9 billion birds killed per year in the US alone.... wanna put a fiver on them not living in luxury?

There are loads of veggie products that don't 'bleed'. Have you tried the Beyond Burger? Beetroot in it but cooked in the oven... so lush! See, I was [maybe still am] a meat lover, so love all the meat alternatives. Hail Seitan!!!!

@newjudge.... see above ^^^^^ Love meat! Not the cruelty though. It's sad that we are as children misled by government propaganda about what we should and shouldn't eat. We consistently teach our kids animal sounds, cute names and then hide the cruelty from them.

thanks for listing some of the silly reasons for eating meat
Never full? What were you eating lol Lettuce?

They don't bother me to the point of hating them but it becomes tiresome hearing them remind you.

Its like those kids toys where you used to pull the cord/string on their back... "I'm a vegan you, know."
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@Calicogirl Congrats :)
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Right I get it!

Hate was the wrong word to use lol

divegirl to me at 16:06, we know - but that still doesn't explain your irrationality in refusing to eat eggs that will never become chickens.

// @baldric. I'm not preaching, just answering questions :) //

You and your ilk may see it like that, a lot of us normal folk don't.
I worked in an abattoir office & witnessed livestock slaughter. Be assured it was humane.

If any product is not consumed, be it animal or veg, it will not be farmed. Chicks are not generally mashed, wot you saw was rare as male chicks are reared for table (they grow faster & bigger). Females for eggs.

USE it or lose it!
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So lets look at the advertising industry.

Would you like cheese with that? Every day, everywhere we are bombarded with images of food. Food that we know is essentially not healthy. Of course your grandma smoked, ate carp and lived to be 101 but that is not the norm.

Kids are fat, their parents don't care, all because we have been, in my mind, brainwashed, into this lifestyle.
I'm not stupid and know that I will never see my dream of a Vegan planet become a reality. But maybe there will be a move towards it if people stop standing up for the past and look to the future for our kids and great-great grandchildren.
I visited Borneo many years ago and saw the devastation that the palm oil plantations have caused. I just want this rock we're spinning on to thrive... but our archaic attitudes are killing her.
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Sorry Baldric but I really have no time for you. You probably don't remember why, but I remember helping you and you being at total prat... so move on hun xxx
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@tambo. Watch Earthlings then come back for a debate please.

How wonderful that you felt the animals you witnessed the murder of was done so humanely.

Now lets imagine for ten seconds that they could talk English. Can you tell me what they were feeling when they heard their friends and family screaming in their final moments of pure unadulterated fear?
What about the calves ripped from their mothers at 2-3 days old... bet they are right happy little bunnies!

Your loss hun.
//I visited Borneo many years ago and saw the devastation that the palm oil plantations have caused. //

oddly enough, the vegan society have less of an issue with this, than they do the commercial farming of animals
//Unfortunately, it is not yet possible or practical for individual vegans to only support vegan farming. However, the consumption of plant-based crops such as wheat, barley, oil palm and soybeans causes far fewer animals to lose their lives than eating animals. //
ANimals dont have compassion thats why Ive got a robin nesting in my kitchen from magpies & crows
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If I'm honest I am so not bothered by the situation with palm oil. Everyone loves orang-utans so the industry is exposed enough. It's also the least harmful oil to use for the planet.
And it makes stuff taste soooo good lol

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hahahaha I've seen that Tambo! How fabulous!

No, animals are idiots with each other, nature init. As humans though we have the brain power to move on.
We stopped using slaves, we gave woman the vote, we landed on the moon and have taken pictues of black holes.... but bacon!
We can make computers, build skyscrapers and fly at the speed of sound, but kill animal at a rate so fast that if we killed humans at the same rate we would last about 9 days.

I just find it all so sad for a few minutes of taste on the tongue [you all can keep your clogged arteries though lol ].
I'm very bothered about the hill farmers in the UK. Their land cannot be used for arable farming, perhaps they can run glamping sites for hipsters?

You say you're not bothered if farm animals become rarer, divegirl. That would adversely affect other creatures and cause a huge loss of natural fertiliser for growing crops.
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You know humans poop too right? Or is that a disgusting though? Fine to use animal excrement but not human. But as I have mentioned earlier, for the truly squeamish there is always hydroponics.
We used to have people that came and woke you in the mornings and put the street candles out at night. Now we have electric lights and alarm clocks.
Let the farmed animals become extinct. Maybe the farmers you speak of can run petting zoos [tongue firmly in cheek there] or move with the times. We are massively over populated as a planet and need to find alternative ways of feeding the masses. Growing animals to feed the masses is not sustainable. The amount of soy needed to feed the billions of animals we slaughter each year would feed the human population many times over.
I think this is the problem some people have with some Vegans Divegirl- they don't care about impact as long a their own mantra of not eating animals products is followed.
I'd rather take in the whole tbh.
From my own perspective I do see a lot of your points, I'm thrilled to eat veggie bacon rather than real bacon if and when it's available to me, if anything can replace meat I'm good with that too, and I don't eat meat at every meal, but I can't agree about Palm Oil, not about people's inherited livelihoods being destroyed and I can't agree that no life at all beats a good quality life which might end prematurely but humanely.
Eggs from your own chickens I'll never agree about nor honey, those ARE harmless, and based purely on the notion that we shouldn't take anything from animals because it's not ours. If it doesn't harm them I have no issue with that tbh, and can't see logically why anyone else should, but I'm always happy for people to explain their own thought processes to me even if I'm unlikely to agree with them.

Thanks for the congrats too x
Humans can control predatators & guns are out for magpies & crows around duck nests in Thames.
When the pub is packed, the beer is turned into water.
At home, I can do it myself.
Cheese and onion crisps speed up the processs.

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