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Would You Find Greater Comfort In Death Knowing There Is No God, No Heaven Or Hell?

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RATTER15 | 08:01 Sat 21st Sep 2019 | Society & Culture
107 Answers
I am currently going through a prostate problem, the hospital appear to be rushing everything which has made me a little concerned, I wont lie.

When these things come along I suppose we do all ponder the thoughts of our death.
As an atheist I have nothing to fear in death, the end is the end, I will be no more, end of, the parrot is deceased etc.

However! if I was a believer I would have to consider, would I go to heaven or hell?
I know a great many Christians as most of us do. Many of them are very pleasant and a fair few are vile untrustworthy and truly unpleasant people. Will they consider their place after death I wonder. Of course, most religious people feel they are going to meet up with dead friends, loved ones and relatives etc, have they ever considered that many of their loved ones may have gone to hell!
I think If I did believe in heaven or hell, it could be a very worrying time, whilst I have been a fairly decent person in my adult years, I dont know it that would make me worthy of a place in heaven?
What are your thoughts. Personally i'm glad as hell I dont believe in such tripe!!


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Does life, in some form, survive death? I don’t know – but I can understand why the notion of meeting loved ones again is comforting. That said, if life in some form does survive death I suspect it’s a natural process rather than a religious one and therefore applies to all, regardless of belief, culture, or anything else. The concept of 'sin' and the...
08:20 Sat 21st Sep 2019
Like you, I don’t believe in life after death, heaven or hell. However I have been comforted by the thought that my relatives are ‘up there’ somewhere, and they’re all together. I know, rationally, it’s not true though.
can ''vile untrustworthy and truly unpleasant people'' be Christians?
My comfort is that I believe that some part of me will be reunited with my husband. I don't believe in the devils and pitchforks version of hell or the pearly gates and harps version of heaven.
Firstly, good luck with your prostate problem. I’m sure the hospital are only concerned with getting the thing sorted as quickly as possible with a view to the best prognosis.

Now, the Heaven and Hell thing.....
I’d say most religious people, with the threat of Hell hanging over them must have lived a blame free existence so the scenario of them worrying surely wouldn’t arise. Would it?
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aelmpvw, I imagine anybody that has a belief in God and the Bible is technically a "Christian" maybe not a good Christian, but still a christian.
There is definitely something 'out there', but until we die ourselves we won't know exactly what it is. I don't want to die quite yet, but when I do I look forward to reuniting with my beloved parents and all my long gone pets.
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Does life, in some form, survive death? I don’t know – but I can understand why the notion of meeting loved ones again is comforting. That said, if life in some form does survive death I suspect it’s a natural process rather than a religious one and therefore applies to all, regardless of belief, culture, or anything else. The concept of 'sin' and the punishment of hell is the most evil philosophy ever conceived by man.
I was brought up in the Catholic faith which is a great one to believe in as you are absolved of all wrong doing on our part should you confess your sin and say a few prayers..However I stopped believing aged around 14 so have an atheist for many years. My upset/ concern as I face my own potential demise through heart disease is that there I things I haven't done and places I haven't yet been to and time is running out. I hope your prostate problem is sorted and that you have many year to go on pondering the question of belief etc Good luck
I really should re read my posts before posting......
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Whilst I have no fear of death itself, my greatest concern is for my dearest Carakeel that would be left behind, that thought alone breaks my heart!
Anyway, I hasten to add, I havent given up, its early days, Im hoping for many more years with her yet! Maybe I will meet up with boy "Merlin" the one with me in my avatar, if he walked with me for an eternity I would be very happy. :-)
I imagine death will be like having a general anaesthetic and never waking up (I've been under about 20 times all told). You see, hear, feel, remember absolutely nothing. Going down is a great feeling, I can understand people getting hooked on heroin!
I wish you well, Ratter. x
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Thanks Naomi x
"There's definitely something out there." Rather a bold statement to make considering it's never been proven. Unless you know something the rest of us don't? I firmly believe there is absolutely nothing 'out there' - neither up nor down - and that death is everlasting. I am quite happy with that and i don't believe i'll suddenly denounce my atheism on my deathbed.
I always see death as a natural process so nothing to fear, I don't believe in heaven or hell, I think it was done to scare people into being law abiding in the past. I would like to think our souls live on once we leave our bodies, I am open minded to whatever death may bring, I know for certain it brings peace.
Hi Ratter, sincere best wishes with your treatment. Don't worry about Man's made up fear of heaven and hell. If there's something else for us after this life, which is pleasing to us, then it will be a wonderful surprise!

I find it strange that most religions believe in life after death, reincarnation, or some part of the body living on. Looking back over the worlds history and looking at the state the world is in now, Why do people think they are so important that they've earned some form of eternal life where there is nothing but happiness?
^^ and how is there room for every single spirit to exist eternally, where do the new ones come from?
Great BA...
Good to see you again, ratter. Very best wishes xx
//Why do people think they are so important that they've earned some form of eternal life where there is nothing but happiness? //

That's a question I've asked many times. To assume that one is more important or more worthy or more special than another is surely the height of arrogance.

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