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AZardoz | 23:27 Thu 10th Oct 2019 | Society & Culture
26 Answers


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Also gets you priority boarding for the gibbet come the revolution. :-)
07:17 Fri 11th Oct 2019
A boon for Russians and Arabs.
Sign up here, folks:
Good gold!
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// Is it possible to bring back that feeling of freedom and delight from when you used a card for the first time? //

That IS the question, but what do you do when the thrill wears off ?

I remember getting my first credit card. I bought silly shoes that didn’t fit and a jacket and bag that I lost while on the p#@#. It took ages to pay off the debt.
//Someone who has a gold card - are they really buying tat from China? //

Hell YES! The one who has a gold card is manufacturing, buying or drop shipping tat from China for the least amount of money per item they can wangle to sell at the highest profit in the UK to those who can't afford better.
They are disgusting narcissists and they will lap this up

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