In my opinion, only hanging murderers will make us safe from knife wielding thugs.
Two dead and two injured in Milton Keynes and one dead in Scarborough yesterday.
Hardly a day goes by without another stabbing murder.
Hanging the culprits would deter these scum.
What do you think?
Often people don’t think of the consequences before they do things like this.
And America has the death penalty in most states. That doesn’t appear to be a deterrent.
I don't think it would be a deterence. The thought of a life sentence doesn't deter. Plus I doubt they think about the consequences because most don't think they will get caught.
of course they should bring back the death penalty. Why should the rest of the country have to pay for their keep in prison for the rest of their lives
I think a lot more police on the streets with inlimited powers of stop and search and instant jail time for anyone carrying a weapon is a better approach.
I think that we are ALL capable of killing someone in the heat of a moment. I don't believe that the threat of a death sentence would prevent such incidents.
Ive been locked up with a few 'murderers' in the past. Most (if not all) had previously led blame free lives, just pushed over the edge by circumstances.
Obviously not talking here about the mentally ill, like Peter Sutcliffe or gangsters like the krays.
One size does not fit all.
Nailit - My Christian faith? Very easy. Life is precious, and to take a life means forfeit your own. No problem.
Injections? No, rope. Part of the deterrence.
I always wonder about the mentality of those that are able to administer capital punishment! I totally disagree with capital punishment or corporal punishment. I don't know the answer though. Life imprisonment should mean life, but the economics and prison space availability rule that out.