I agree. I am sick of hearing the hand wringing ,do-gooders telling us that in a civilised society we don't murder people in the name of justice. Well in my experience,since the social experiment has,in my opinion failed our so called utopian society it is time to reintroduce judicial punishment. There is very little civilised ,in my opinion, in this present age. Daily stabbings are just accepted which is proving the experiment has failed. We have come along way since we abolished Capital Punishment and DNA has discovered killers/murderers who died naturally before they ever faced justice( historic crimes).
I am sure nothing better to turn our heroic gang members blood turning to ice water is the prospect of climbing the gallows steps to the noose.
Perhaps their peers should be made to witness their hero wailing for mummy and wetting themselves before the trap is pulled. I reckon it might deter some of our 'wanna be drug dealing gangstas'.
I certainly don't recall the daily murder/stabbing rate anything like today when Capital Punishment existed.