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Death Penalty

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Theland | 18:06 Sun 20th Oct 2019 | Society & Culture
182 Answers
In my opinion, only hanging murderers will make us safe from knife wielding thugs.
Two dead and two injured in Milton Keynes and one dead in Scarborough yesterday.
Hardly a day goes by without another stabbing murder.
Hanging the culprits would deter these scum.
What do you think?


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jno your clip is amusing but nothing to do with how UK SOCO' s do it.
//Theses days the DPS have to be 100% sure of the evidence before it even gets to court. DNA, CCTV + they are pretty sure you are guilty before you enter the courtroom.//

Having been up in crown court on a trial (albeit on a much lesser charge than murder) I can honestly say that you are talking rubbish.
Theland .. look back to the ninth commandment .. assuming you dont need google to know what the ninth commandment states ?
You really are _hitt_ng on your own doorstep coming out with a question like that ?
Turn the other cheek !
What we are basically talkimg about with stabbings and knife crimes is gang culture and predominately young men and the stabbers and he stabbed are no better than each other. None of them have any respect for each other. I cannot see that the death penalty would stop this culture continuing.

"August 2011, a representative survey conducted by Angus Reid Public Opinion showed that 65% of Britons support reinstating the death penalty for murder in Great Britain, while 28% oppose this course of action. Men and respondents aged over 35 are more likely to endorse the change.[64]

In March 2015 a survey by the NatCen British Social Attitudes Report showed that public support for the death penalty had dropped to 48%."

Seems a big change in only 4 years.
Thanks, davebro. I read something - last year, I think - that said support for the death penalty had dropped, but I had nothing to back that up. I was surprised to see others claiming that most Britons would like to see the death penalty again.
Why does a Christian want to see 'scum' hung?
What about loving enemies? Going the extra mile, casting the first stone etc?

This is what turns me against the Christian faith, its contradictory!

I don't think it would deter and as importantly I don't think it would be right?....healthy? can't think of the word.....for society.
With you on that Nailit. Religious works can be interpreted into what suits you.
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Nailit you really don't know your bible do you?
//Nailit you really don't know your bible do you?//
LOL :-)
I laughed at that as well :-)
Perhaps we could have a referendum..and if if the result dictates a re-introduction of hanging,we could seek a deal and just hang them a bit.
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Well there we are, we've come full circle again.

The management would like to thank you for your input and would ask that as you leave, please respect local residents and keep noise to a minimum.

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Circumstances change. With the violence of war in the past, how can one compare sensibly with today. But comparison with countries still murdering prisoners might give an indication.
The history of the world is filled with evidence that the Death Penalty never has acted as a deterrent. And it never will, either.
TonyV //Yes but with DNA evidence I would prefer to see murderers dead and free up some cell spaces.//
Don't put all your faith in DNA, Tony.
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Oh O.K. then.
Theland, you have ignored my question yet again.
Would you have someone put to death because they worked on the sabbath? (as per biblical law) ?

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