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Death Penalty

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Theland | 18:06 Sun 20th Oct 2019 | Society & Culture
182 Answers
In my opinion, only hanging murderers will make us safe from knife wielding thugs.
Two dead and two injured in Milton Keynes and one dead in Scarborough yesterday.
Hardly a day goes by without another stabbing murder.
Hanging the culprits would deter these scum.
What do you think?


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It's just a thought .. did Jesus ever refer to Youtube in the parables ?
Would you put your children to death because they were disobedient?
Would you execute anyone who worshipped a different god?
Would you execute your wife if she commited adultery?
Would you execute a homosexual?
Why do you pick and choose?
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Nailit - Oh dear. Is this bible class for beginners?
There is no conflict but you don't know enough to understand.
You're dangerously close to having the 'M' word invoked, Nailit.
//There is no conflict but you don't know enough to understand//
Feel free to help me out then.
'M' Word Doug?
Lost me there?
Muslim, Nailit, Muslim.

Mainstream Christianity has moved on a bit but others, well..................
" There is no conflict but you don't know enough to understand."
Then let us have your pearls of wisdom Theland.
//Muslim, Nailit, Muslim//
Sorry Doug,
a bit lost in my own sins tonight!
I really need a lethal injection round about now!
(according to thelands bible...the one that I have spent a lifetime studying but no nothing about...)
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What about the death penalty for men who commit adultery with married women, as the Bible says?
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and for those who sacrifice their children to Moloch.
What is wrong?
NellieMay at 18.33. //I always wonder about the mentality of those that are able to administer capital punishment!//

That’ll be people with a mentality resembling mine then. Allow me to explain. I don’t regard capital punishment as a deterrent – it isn’t – and I have no desire to inflict pain upon anyone; nor do I seek retribution or revenge. I simply know that if people like Roy Whiting were given a short, sharp, painless lethal injection there would be no likelihood that little girls like Sarah Payne would ever again suffer at his hands. Not difficult to comprehend I trust?

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