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Death Penalty

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Theland | 18:06 Sun 20th Oct 2019 | Society & Culture
182 Answers
In my opinion, only hanging murderers will make us safe from knife wielding thugs.
Two dead and two injured in Milton Keynes and one dead in Scarborough yesterday.
Hardly a day goes by without another stabbing murder.
Hanging the culprits would deter these scum.
What do you think?


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//Lethal injection up to half an hour. //

Whoever said that needs to talk to a vet. Vets have it down to a fine art - and so quick. Such a peaceful way to go too.
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Naomi, they are not allowed to use the same drugs, the pharmaceutical companies won't agree to it x
Well any pain by stings (lethal injection) or slow loss of breath etc may be something for any would be knife murderer to consider surely.
The innocent and good don't need to worry about that.
Pixie, I've no doubt they could manage... somehow.
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Lethal injection requires time consuming preparation which must terrify the culprit.

Hanging takes about 9 seconds from cell to drop.
Apparently not, naomi...
Retro, that is just spiteful and unlikely to either help victims or be a deterrent.
Theland, you're all heart.
Pixie, if the law was changed, make no mistake, it would happen. Drug companies don't seem to have a problem supplying the US.
A bullet in the back of the head is even quicker if speed is what you're looking for Theland.
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The rope sounds worse than injection, which would help with deterrence.
Listen to yourselves. This thread is horrifying to read and reminiscent of Lord of the Flies.

We are an advanced, civilised nation. This is no place for biblical style revenge.

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China - Really? Think of how many lives would be saved if thugs were scared to murder.
It won't deter others, theland. And in any case, you don't punish someone on the basis of what someone else might do. It does, however, remove the most dangerous people, so others aren't at risk.
THELAND, if you're looking for a painful death, how about hanged, drawn and quartered/drawn, hanged and quartered?
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Was not looking for a painful death, but now you mention it, hmmm, there's a thought.
I asked nearly five hours ago why, if it wasn't a deterrent when we had capital punishment, do people think it would be a deterrent now?
What has changed that makes you think that?
It's a deterrent only in that those who commit vile crimes, obviously can't do it again. It is not- and is not supposed to be- a deterrent for other people.
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I think it would deter.
Once a few had been executed, the word would get around.
Vulcan42, I do not think that the death penalty is a deterrent and never has been; however, I am one of the many, I think, people who think that if a person is found absolutely, no doubt about it, guilty of certain categories of murder their execution will prevent them of repeating the same crime after being released from a too short custodial sentence.

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