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Anyone Feel Guilty For Venturing Out?

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nailit | 17:53 Mon 06th Apr 2020 | Society & Culture
165 Answers
Letter in my local rag a few days ago castigating people that ''Always seemed to be out'' ''They need reporting'' etc.
FGS, people still go to work, still need to shop, still need to take care of others who CANT get out.
And yet...Im starting to feel a little paranoid about it all.
I need to shop (when I get the chance), I need to go to work and I need to visit my sick and housebound mother....

Too many curtain twitchers for my liking!



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Well done Minty , it’s lovely to hear of such nice people doing such lovely things x
Well, for what it's worth, I think you're doing a wonderful job, murraymints
they would be in the lurch Bobbi as no family nearby..but as I said..we all have a part to play..and those that "can" should help those that "can't"
Well, I'd refer to those who are shopping for me as a "lifeline"...just calling it what it is.
I wish I could be ,we’re the ones to stay in, but I’ve amazing neighbours who are a Godsend x
Trollery, trollery… :-(
As usual.
And far from the first time, Shoota. X
From trawling the net, there does seem to be an excess of self-righteousness around, leading to unreasonable blanket condemnation of anyone appearing on the streets.

OK, some may be boneheads, but I'm sure most of them are carrying out unavoidable activities.

Why have we become so quick to attack others since the advent of cyberspace.
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So theres loads of self righteous people all cooped up and doing there bit by self isolating and yet have the temerity to berate those that still have to work providing their food etc and put their own lives at risk?
Or try to provide for others that are isolated?
Righto then...
Who’s berated those still working?
Canary, it's the anonymity
This is what I mean.. No one is berating you for going to work, or shopping or doing essential care.

Who is? Anyone came up to you or is this all just from seeing someone look at you from their window?
/// Canary, it's the anonymity ///

To a certain extent jno, I agree, but it's prolific on Facebook where the majority use their real names (or they do within the areas I follow).
Way to go Minty.
Check da mail lady.
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//Anyone came up to you or is this all just from seeing someone look at you from their window?//
I'll refer you to my OP.
Letter in local paper.
Curtain twitchers. People that have no idea what other people are doing and ought to mind their own,,,
I still feel a little odd about going shopping, as I did this morning - early so as to get Tesco's o.70's slot, which is working pretty well in Driffield. I also went for seeds (veg. and flowers) so that we can fill our bit of allotment that OH is digging assiduously, thereby hoping to relieve the coming food shortages. (Seriously, if people who can't grow food and usually do so have to buy it - supply chains will be overstretched.)

No, I felt uneasy, and yet we are legit.. We can't get on the supermarkets' lists, because we weren't on them and they take no newcomers. We are managing to get some things delivered locally - thank goodness I already had a milkman, who delivers other things like bread. We stick to legit. reasons. T.b.h. everything was very well organised, no pushing, shoving or passing too close, but it is a small market town.

It is, however, the only way in which I can stop Mr. J2 (87 tomorrow) from leaving house, garden and allotment - and it took enough persuasion to get him to agree to that. :)
To berate someone requires the spoken word. Has that actually happened, nailit?
nailit, I am stuck at home due to being in the extremely vulnerable category. I can assure you I have every respect for those who have to work, including those working like yourself for charities and the vulnerable. Some people may be at home but there are plenty of people working their butts off from home to help the community. I am involved in a local FB page that puts vulnerable people who can't get out in touch with those people who are prepared to go shopping for them. We also have people who help older people access the help that is out there for them that perhaps they have no idea of because they are not on line. Frustratingly I can only be an administrator, the people who go out and help people are the heroes. They do it because they have a sense of community not for accolades but because its 'what you do' . I don't know any 'curtain twitches' but if anyone started on any of the people I know doing this great job well frankly they would have me to contend with. Stay safe.
Can anyone smell the irony?

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