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Why Do You Believe The 'Holy Bible' Needs Splanin'...

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mibn2cweus | 02:41 Mon 14th Sep 2020 | Society & Culture
170 Answers
...for those who believe there is any?

If 'God' sought communication with his 'creation', why a book? Why does this book require countless revision, reinterpretation, and translation? Why wouldn't you expect more from an alleged 'creator of the universe', a direct means of communication for those who seek to do so?
Anticipating (based on undeviating past experience) what will follow in this thread, God's apparent need for a middle man to facilitate, translate, interpret and explain His communications leaves much to be desired. But never mind all that, splain away.


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Theland, //In spite of nit pickers like you, Christianity will be preserved. //

And what version of Christianity would that be? It can't be your brand. You're a one man band.
Naomi - Educate yourself. What do JW believe?
So, are they Christian?
Naomi - Stop digging a hole for yourself.
The authority for your grand statements are nothing more than your own opinions, based on nothing more than your own feelings.
You are an empty vessel devoid of any wisdom.
On this subject you have nothing meaningful to say, but you say it too loudly.
You've shown yourself up good and proper here Theland,you dismiss millions of people at a stroke for simply not being your flavour of Christian, well beat your own drum but preferably somewhere else.

Myself and many others on this thread display more Christianity with a wave of their little fingers than you ever have whether they believe or not.
I agree with Theland about one thing; the Church of England is apostate, no longer part of the universal apostolic church. After 70 years I am now crossing the Tiber and am off to Rome.
Most things that are clearly nonsense to the majority of us need explanation from the minority who claim to understand them.
You'll be no less an apostate in Theland's eyes for that move Jack.
Theland at 23:50 Tue 15th Sep, Well, thank you for that. Although I believe I’m fairly well educated, further education is always welcome and that from you was very informative, particularly in light of your pious, but clearly fraudulent claim of maintaining ‘respect’ for all. You make a great song and dance of declaring that you don’t offer your own opinions but merely quote scripture - which allows you to slither handily off the hook when necessary of course - so what happened to the bit you never quote - ‘Judge not lest you be judged’? Believing as you do that everyone will be judged in the afterlife, I’m not surprised you’re terrified of death. If you’re right I suspect you’re in for a severe roasting.

You are one know-all of a bloke, Theland, bearing one instrument which you blow with a great display of sanctimonious poppycock at every opportunity … your own rusty old out of tune trumpet.
Jackdaw, Theland appears to think even less of the Church of Rome than he does of the Church of England. He forgets that without Rome his religion wouldn't exist.
Theland, truth can be many things, nasty, vindictive, horrendous in fact anything except untrue. You're quite happy to use the truth, as you see it, when it suits you to belittle others but consider people who use it to describe you as abhorrent. As naomi suggests, take a long look at yourself.
As for examples of platitudes in your answers, I suggest you, as you constantly tell others, do your own research.
It was just some blokes who decided to write some stories into a book and some other blokes who decided to translate it. Beyond that its choris noima (pardon my Greek).
Do you know that true Christians are the happiest people on the face of the earth?
Matthew 5 v 3 - 11.
Oh and I forgot, this is a C & P for you.
goodlife - // Do you know that true Christians are the happiest people on the face of the earth? //

If anyone read the majority of the posts on here from Christians, they'd find that very hard to believe!!!
AH, but most of them aren't 'true' Christians like Goodlife. ;o)
naomi - // AH, but most of them aren't 'true' Christians like Goodlife. ;o)//

I must admit I did think that as I was typing, but one doesn't like to start any friction ... (!!)
There we are.
Naomi@9:11 . no, I know my history. The early church left true scripture, and it took brave persecuted souls to preserve it.
Snow me where I have disobeyed scripture, ( and I probably have,) and I will gladly apologise.
That’s it, Theland. Ignore every word that everyone else has said. Typical of self-obsessed quasi-evangelist thinking.

I don’t need YouTube to tell me about Jehovah’s Witnesses - or arrogant bible thumping evangelists for that matter.

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