Theland - // We live in a box called the universe.
Those whose faith is in science, ''Scientists,'' believe all answers to every question has, is or will come from within the box.
Theists believe in another dimension outside of the box, that can and does act on the box, as well as being responsible for the creation of the box.
There have been revelations to us from outside of the box, telling us about creation and life itself. //
I don;t know about you, but I am tired of simply riding the same merry-go-round that is debating with you.
You maintain a complete unwillingness to simply admit that you do not have any answers, only what you believe to be true, which is absolutely not the same thing.
On that basis, there is really nothing more I can say to you, and so I am no withdrawing completely from debating the notion of God and the universe with you - it has been, and is not toing to continue to be any longer, and complete and utter waste of my valuable time.
Enjoy your belief, it clearly sustains you, as does the convenience of simply not having to bother entertaining the notion that you might actually be wrong.
I can't deal with that, so I am stoppng trying.
Sleep well.