I got a late Christmas card earlier this week with written problems in it. She hasn't asked how I am in her letter with the card, but enclosed a long essay of all her problems. She has a massive family where with me, it's just me and my daughter. She has always had a husband and a big family and I have not and I have also struggled in life and this 'friend' knows this.
I'll feel guilty if I don't reply to her, but I don't want to. Is it OK to ignore it? I want to move on from her now. We hardly see each other anyway year in, year out. She hasn't even asked if my daughter and I have been OK during COVID and has assumed we're both OK.
Personally, if I received a Christmas card in February I wouldn't bother to answer. The late card is just a cover for what she actually wants, to let you know of her problems without bothering to enquire if you are well.