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Why Do People Jpoin Unions?

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ToraToraTora | 20:01 Wed 07th Dec 2022 | Society & Culture
48 Answers
I just don't get it, if you are good at your job you don't need it so clearly it's just a device to protect the terminally she-ite at their jobs. Why would anyone want to do that?


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Stop feeding the Troll
20:36 Wed 07th Dec 2022
TTT - // I just don't get it, if you are good at your job you don't need it so clearly it's just a device to protect the terminally she-ite at their jobs. Why would anyone want to do that? //

I worked for BT for forty-three years, and I was very good at my job.

I was extremely grateful for the experience and ability of my CWU Rep who defended me against one accusation of fraud, and one accusation of misconduct - in both instances I was not guilty of the offences brought against me.

But without the defence of my Union, I would have been dismissed without appeal, on either of two occasions, for two things I did not do.

That's why people join unions TTT.
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gromit: "You are missing the point, by a few parsecs :-) " - do you know what a parsec is?
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20:40, so you were not good enough at your job that they needed you then?

You're not still claiming you live in the real world, surely?
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here's one for you gromit, how many light years in a Parsec? It's a very easy calc so you have 10 mins or I won't believe you did it yourself.
Yes, that is why I used that particular word.
I am now thinking I may have over estimated you, if you are querying it.
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jdavis: "You're not still claiming you live in the real world, surely? " - more that you can possibly imagine me old china!
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pretty good Gromit, 3.26, well done.
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to be fair that was a bit too quick!
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However Gromit I applaud that you are at least aware of what a Parsec is.

You display very little understanding understanding of human nature and behaviour.
TTT - // 20:40, so you were not good enough at your job that they needed you then? //

Call me old-fashioned, but I think being able to sack someone for something they didn't do is rather more of the issue than whether or not the company could survive without me.

I never kidded myself that was indispensible, but I am not dishonest, and I was grateful to the Union that thanks to them, BT was prevented from driving a coach-and-four through my basic rights to fair treatment, fueled as it was by personal malice in the first instance, and a desire to cover up personal incompetence further up the chain in the second.
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We share a love of Star Trek and Si-Fi which is why I used Parsec as a large measurement. But I did check that it meant what I thought it meant before posting. I read that a Parsec is (approximately) 3.25 light years in length, literally a couple of minutes you asked me its size in light years.
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fair enough gromit I asked that becuase it was one of the the first problems I ever had to do in my uni calculator competition. I got 3.26
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an easy peice of arithmetic but also easy to get it wrong.
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gromit, but can you explain what a Parsec is and why it's useful?
I have just told you I looked it up 5 minutes ago.
I do not have a physics degree, and I am not pretending I have. Now back to the Alpha Quadrant (just about).
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ok fair enough gromit it's only arithmetic not physics but I applaud your honesty.

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