How Would You Handle This Scenario. in The AnswerBank: Society & Culture
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How Would You Handle This Scenario.

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retrocop | 09:34 Fri 21st Jul 2023 | Society & Culture
91 Answers
This is a true event that happened in the 70s.
You are a Constable walking your beat when you are directed by your station officer via telephone to a nearby building site where the foreman has reported a disturbance. You have no radio in those days.
On attending the site gate you are met by the foreman who informs you that two of his contractors have discovered a subbie has possession of a quantity of their tools which went missing a few weeks previously when the subbie was last on site.
In case anyone is unaware it is a heinous crime within the building trade to steal the tools of a man's trade. Even bailiffs are forbidden by law to confiscate a man's chattels or tools of a artisans trade.
You inform the foreman you will take a short walk around the block and return in five minutes.
On returning you are directed and accompanied by the foreman to the roof of the multi storey car park under construction. There are three men. Two looking a little sheepish on your arrival and one slightly bruised with a nose bleed.
We have an allegation of theft and an obvious assault in this scenario.
You do not have all day or the luxury of sitting by your computer to make your decision and ponder your course of action.
How would you deal with it? Feel free to ask pertinent questions relating to the scenario and I will tell how it was dealt with later


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retro, this reminds me of the wisdom of Soloman! Taking 5 minutes out means you let the 3 who are aggrieved have time to re-consider their present positions. Presumably the 2 who had tools stolen by the 3rd person have recovered their belongings. The 3rd person has got a bloodied nose (no doubt having tripped over something on the floor and hit the deck) but no...
15:44 Fri 21st Jul 2023
The world is a far more complex place than it was in the days when Retrocop and his ilk looked after us all. A world of Muffin the mule, Golliwogs and the black and white minstrels. Happy days, eh!
Oh I think not, Zam, I'm sure he posted about having a personally presented Princess Diana mug so relatively modrin.
Ah, ok. A world of Jimmy Saville & Rolf Harris then. Beg pardon.
As you were. (flexes knees)
Hello, Hello, Hello.
-- answer removed --
I'll see your self-pitying nobody likes me BS and raise you a knee-jerk response to 'Gulli' and Hymie at regular intervals.

Aren't you old school lot all for a bit of rough and tumble anyway?
‘ demented troll’

Remind us again why you were suspended, Retro?
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For calling out another lie by AH. Zacs. He made a denial which was blatantly untrue. I proved him wrong so like the child he is I was another victim of his overbearing conduct and abuse of power. You knew that Zacs really didn't you but I will indulge your stirring.

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