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Why People Hate Muslims And Islam?

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alisaroba | 22:32 Sat 12th Aug 2023 | Society & Culture
188 Answers
What are the underlying reasons for the existence of negative sentiments towards Muslims and the religion of Islam?


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//pretending to be following a book.....//

That's ignorance.
naomi - // //pretending to be following a book.....//

That's ignorance. //

That's rudeness - another form of ignorance.
No it isn't. Ignorance is a 'lack of knowledge or information'. No one is pretending.
Naomi - // No one is pretending. //

Where do you learn these sweeping unfounded unproven biased ignorant statements?

It it part of your 'studies' which you love to boast about?
AH, try to contain yourself. You're edging towards attack mode again. To answer your question, among other things, I read the Koran and the Hadith. And you? Where do you learn your 'sweeping unfounded unproven biased ignorant statements?'
"Terrorism works because it preys on fear, and mistrust, and ignorance."

Aye, it's only when fear mistrust and ignorance fail that operatives start vapourising others.

erm - I think I can see two mods pretending to be intellectuals....
Peter - // erm - I think I can see two mods pretending to be intellectuals.... //

I make no such claim.
I read the Koran and the Hadith
To avoid ambiguity, I use the word "hadith" to refer to the initial description of the event, and "narrations" to refer to its many versions. Hadith scholars have estimated the total number of hadith texts as being from four thousand to thirty thousand.

quick reader huh

to explain to the 'interested AB reader' hur hur hur

What is a hadith? The Hadith is the collected traditions of the Prophet Muhammad, based on his sayings and actions.

but it is a whole literature system - the chain of passing on of the saying is preserved and there is an order of significance. Hadith ( er ahadith) thro the companions ( first converts - and remember both women and slaves could be converts) have higher significance ( = oomph) than others.

It would be better if a reader read some Q or H than spend anymore than 5 seconds on this thread
naomi - // AH, try to contain yourself. You're edging towards attack mode again. //

Please don't flatter yourself, I would not waste my valuable time, and I don't need advice from you on behaviour, thank you.

// To answer your question, among other things, I read the Koran and the Hadith. And you? Where do you learn your 'sweeping unfounded unproven biased ignorant statements?' //

To say that reading the Koran infers that you have 'knowledge' about Islam is rather like reading the manual to a Ford Escort and saying you can drive like Louis Hamilton.

Ancient texts handed down don't confer wisdom simply because you read them - if it did, all of us who have read the bible would all be Christian scholars.

Taking an entire worldwide culture and deciding you pronounce on it, while simultaneously sneering at any view or opinion that does not agree with you is not 'knowledge', it's one-upmanship.

Not sure where your vast insecurities come from, nor do I care, but you clearly feel the need to bolster your self-image by holding forth on here as 'an authority' on Islam, even though the majority couldn't care less, and those that care a bit, like me, don't take your claims of authority and education at all seriously - mainly because of the tone with which you proclaim them.
Pompous Pilate
I know it’s a while ago, Naomi, but I’ll phrase my request in a different way:
‘Any unbiased links?

The one you posted earlier to TROP is something akin to what Khandro believes is a good source of information i.e. completely the opposite.
//don't take your claims of authority and education at all seriously - mainly because of the tone with which you proclaim them.//

Good grief. Sound the irony klaxon !!
Douglas and Retrocop - the Dynamic Duo are here!

Let's see how long it takes them to derail the thread by trying to pick a fight which has zero to do with the subject under discussion.
AH. and there you go. I said you were edging towards attack mode. Funny how experience helps spot the signs, :o)

But you 'pronounce upon an entire world culture whilst simultaneously sneering at any view or opinion that doesn't agree with you' - so other than presenting yourself as an eminently unqualified psychologist, where does that leave you?

Incidentally, I know nothing about car manuals and I don't claim to be able to drive like Lewis Hamilton - which is why I would never embarrass myself by trying to argue the subject.
I tend to sit back and admire the work of derailer in chief these days, although seeing what has become a standard reply yet again is making me rethink and consider a new star to follow.

That's not how manuals work. :-)
As I know little about Islam I choose not to contribute to this thread. Unlike you I only join in on threads I can offer some knowledge of a subject. You once wrote that the only Muslim that you have spoken to was your barber so I don't expect much wisdom from you on this subject. I have no intention other than to watch how you turn this thread. Nothing further to communicate. Gdday
i think people are scared of what they dont know and i think a lot of people try to use islam to justify their mental illnesses for example i think of islam and think no bacon no beer no drugs and some people think of islam and think of 911 but in reality the religion has a lot of good going for it and if you want to focus on what is said in the koran about gays women and drugs and stuff then just read the bible and if you want to compare religion then christianity has a lot of pedophilia involved with it and no one bad doesnt justify another but what it shows is yinyan in all religious text
Zacs, the page I linked to contains a list of poll results from other sources.

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