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Hymie | 09:31 Sat 08th Jun 2024 | Society & Culture
52 Answers

It looks like at least one political leader is reading my posts on here – that migrants are absolutely essential to our economy (public services, businesses etc); with an aging population and low fertility rates - it is the only realistic policy if we are not to have our public services/business suffering drastic decline through a lack of workers.




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Complacency is an error.

Read my lips;


and many thousands have already been allowed to bring their older so called, "dependents" into the UK as well.



What like is it in Germany, KHANDRO?

//What like is it in Germany, KHANDRO?//

Innundated with immigrants; don't you read the papers? 

It's the same as in France, Italy, Greece .... everywhere in the EU in fact, who Brussels is now finally beginning to admit the massive problem they've allowed to happen.

Im not against immigration per se,but surely we should be employing our own people before we import more from abroad.There are something like 200,000 16-25 year olds in Scotland currently economically inactive.Cant we get them to do the work the immigrants might be doing?

Khandro  -Why don't you drop the patience-reserved-for-idiots pompous attitude.

You are no more or less qualified in this debate than anyone else, so climb down off your high horse and treat people as your intellectual equals, which they are, even though it galls you to acknowledge it.

I was impressed with Stephen Flynn. He got more applause than the other leaders and he talked a lot of commonsense. I am unable to vote for his party, but I am slightly reassured if coalitions are to be made in the event of a hung parliament, that their is someone in the SNP in Westminster worth talking to.

How many immigrants are net tax payers, ie pay more in tax than receive in benefits including all public services they use? Not many I would think.

@12.53.Not if us up here in South Aberdeen have our way Gromit.Methinks Flynns present job might be on a shoogly peg.

Emigrants are generally people that we need, like teachers and doctors. They want to live in a better place than Britain (in their mind). Why do they think that?

Then, people in their fifties are retiring or semi-retiring.

And older people are getting older and needing/wanting more care before dying. Which means a bigger and bigger swing in the balance between workers and non-workers, as well as the balance between the work we need and the workers we actually have.

And many younger people feel like they've been swizzed - jobs that don't pay enough, tuition loans still hanging over them, mortgages being unaffordable. So many of those that aren't in a position to emigrate feel disaffected.

And until all of that is sorted out, we need immigrants ...


Aberdeen South might be an interesting seat to watch.

SNP Stephen Flynn 20,388  
Conservative Douglas Lumsden 16,398 
Liberal Democrats Ian Yuill 5,018
Labour Shona Simpson 3,834

A 4,000 majority. SNP and Conservatives will probably both lose votes, but I don't think the LibDems or Labour can close the gap enough. One to look out for though.

Corbyloon / Because you don't know 'what it's like' elsewhere, here's a sample from today, one of many;

@14.37.I might have to hold my nose on this one gromit.I dont want any terrorist apologist as my MP thats for sure.

If he agrees with you then he is equally incorrect.

"Brexit was the result of deomcratic process."


If by democratic process you mean a pack of lies shouted from any available rooftop  then I agree

We have plenty of potential workers, a reduced population is a necessity not a problem. Ideally we require negative immigration not positive.


Anyone who can grasp the concept of not being able to get a quart into a pint bottle, will intuitively understand why we can't go on expanding forever and to do so must create a more intense problem for future generations; even if they fail to see the issues already evident in the present due to lack of migrant management from every government we've had.

The"pack of lies"was certainly endorsed up here in Scotland by the SNP voters Dougie.The SNP voters were the main Brexiteers up here in Scotland,thats for sure.

A pack of lies from the remainers you mean, such as pretending things that clearly don't exist are on the side of a bus ?


As all must recall the only lies came from those without the nerve to accept responsibility for their own nation and wanted to remain being ruled by others instead.

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