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Trump To Fire Special Prosecutor, Jack Smith (Within 2 Seconds)

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Hymie | 22:05 Thu 24th Oct 2024 | Society & Culture
6 Answers

At least the US electors will know that they have elected a ‘Criminal-in-Chief’.



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Trump will dismiss all charges against himself if he's elected. If Harris wins he's going to prison.

Hence the desperation to win. He cares nothing about anything but avoiding prison.

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If he loses, he could find himself heading to Rikers Island on 26 November (sentenced for the 34 guilty felony counts).

But if he wins, would any judge dare jail a soon to be sitting president?

And yet, his fans will not face up to the truth. It's like the thirties, when the UK right-wing press were pleading in favour of Hitler. Now we have appeasement and worship of 'power'. If Trump gets in he has vowed to punish and take revenge on those who opposed him.

Well, apparently the president can pardon anyone from a crime, including him/herself.

This is what he's banking on. 

It's never been tested before because the US President has never been a convicted criminal before.

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In theory Trump could not pardon himself for the guilty 34 felony counts, as these are State crimes; the US president only has the power to pardon Federal crimes.


But a dictator can do what he wants.

he can fire fed employees at will ( apparently) - Comey head of the FBI was asked if he  were Trumps man- -  and replied he was a man of the carnstitootion and rule  of  law. He found out that he had been fired when he went down the pub

He can also order the DoJ to investigate someone. Hence his demand to Zelensky that HE investigate Hunna Biden

all sort of wow! or 'Gee thelma' stuff to us Brits

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Trump To Fire Special Prosecutor, Jack Smith (Within 2 Seconds)

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