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A Breath Of Fresh Air - For The Moment.

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Atheist | 22:53 Thu 24th Oct 2024 | Society & Culture
7 Answers

I just watched Starmer being interviewed on the telly, and he was asked straight questions and gave straight answers - no huffing and puffing and trotting out insults and cliches. I hope it continues like that.





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He must be unwell. Nothing trivial, I hope.

We've got what this country has needed for a very long time. A working PM at last, and pressing all the right buttons, and taking the correct action.

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NJ: He is PM now. It makes a difference.

"...and pressing all the right buttons, and taking the correct action."


Obviously that's subjective, because from where I'm sitting he's been pressing all the wrong buttons and taking incorrect action.


Still, never the twain I suppose.

Medication is never very nice or welcome but if it corrects the illness, and this country has been very ill for some time. The problem being, the medication is going to be expensive but the cost shared will help reduce the pain also.

He doesn't keep his promises, if he cannot do that then every word he speaks is false.

"Medication is never very nice or welcome..."

Parents present...Calpol!

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A Breath Of Fresh Air - For The Moment.

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