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The Contents Of This Video Will Have Brexiteers Foaming At The Mouth

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Hymie | 09:46 Sat 26th Oct 2024 | Society & Culture
8 Answers

Besides the £30 billion EU divorce bill and the video’s contents - who can claim Brexit to be a success?

Quotes within the video include:-


'Brexit has been disastrous for the UK economy and broader society.  It takes away rights and opportunities that my generation took for granted; makes it more difficult for businesses and we are paying heavily for the privilege of being outside the world’s largest single market.'

(Stephen Getherings – SNP MP)


'Exiting the EU not only cost the UK vast amounts of money, but economic growth, opportunities for young people, influence on the world stage and much more.'

(Naomi Smith - Best for Britain CEO)




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I don't think it will. Just a few shakes of the head at your obsession. 

As usual you make the basic error that brexit is somehow related to monetary considerations. Anyone with any sense will take your cherry picked figures with a pinch of salt anyway. We are out of the club, that's all we wanted.

saying stuff doesn't make it true

btw - I read somewhere that Germany is set for ZERO growth next year!

The SNP eh.

Scotland’s net fiscal deficit widens to £22.7bn


Anyway this week saw the start of the end of the EUSSR. The only two net contributors have formed their own cooperative. I suspect others will follow suit and we'll have the ECOOP as the EUSSR decays.

There was a piece in one of the newspapers today saying that 10% of people in the EU are finding it hard to pay their mortgages and have to choose between eating or paying bills.  Also many of them including Poland are fed up with this open border and are wanting them closed except to people they want to be there.  Not so rosy in the EU at the moment.  I for one am glad to be out of the club.  Was reasonably happy with the Common Market but not with what it became.

The only thing that's caused cost is the external reaction to Brexit and the foolish capitulations by government to those wanting to unethically cause issues. Brexit itself was necessary and wonderful. It frees us to make our own decisions. But you've had this pointed out many times. No point in continually trying to dispute it with content from others who are as equally unable, to move on as yourself.

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The Contents Of This Video Will Have Brexiteers Foaming At The Mouth

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