Why do people......................... in The AnswerBank: Society & Culture
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Why do people.........................

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MWB | 13:29 Tue 10th Apr 2007 | Society & Culture
27 Answers
Why do parents name their children Katherine, for instance, then proceed to call them Kathy? Or name them Steven, then call them Steve?
Do they not like the name? Why not call them Kathy or Steve in the first place?
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my sonwill be called Tobias. shortened to Toby

so when the queens over, i can go, "Tobias pass the condiments" and when shes not there "TOBY pass us the ketchup"

lol. im weird though
Spudmuffa, I see what you're getting at and if christian names were still truly christian names, you'd have a point. But I don't recall hearing of a St Kylie, a St Chelsea or a St Paige. As far as I know, these aren't shortened names and aren't shortenable either.

Not only that, Asian people shorten their names too - Kesh, Mesh, Jay etc are all shortened version of these people's full names, and they definitely weren't named after saints.
I once knew a Spanish firefighter whose wife had twins.

They were called 'Jose' and 'Hose B'.

I was christened Elizabeth Helen. but I have been called Helen for my whole life. (except for the medical proffession)

The reason being that my mom didnt want me to have my name shortened to Lizzie, Betty, etc etc.
So when the odd person used to shorten Helen to Hel, my mom used to go ballisitic.

Which has rubbed off, on me and I dont like it either. I dont mind being called 'H', but Hel is a no no!!!
You should try being called by your middle name!

My parents decided Helen Louise sounded better than Louise Helen but have always called me Louise (my brother Mark - actually John Mark is the same).

Despite years of explanations, underlinings etc.. at the bank, on my passport, at the doctors etc.. I am always Helen. If I query it and say "Actually it's Louise" I am either looked at like I am mad, wrong or - my favouite - "Oh we have to call you by your real name not a name of your choice" like it is some kind of affectation on my part. To be honest it now I find it quite amusing - like have a second secret identity, the mysterious Helen.

And it does come in useful when your get those annoying phone calls which start by saying "Can I call you Helen?" My reply "Can if you like but it's not my name"
Hi annierak - sorry didn't read your post before I wrote mine. Another middle name person - good on you.

As for shortening Louise I do sometimes get called Lou which i don't actually mind. And Louby Lou was cute when i was a child. But less so at the age of 40!
Hi mightywease.

I tried to open a bank account once. One that would accept cheques in either name.
They would only do it as 'Elizabeth' and to use 'Helen', i would have to get my name changed by deed poll to 'Helen' or get a solicitors letter to say that I use both names.

Guess who didnt get my custom??

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