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Finethanks, I mentioned it because of the other two invites sent out this week for the evening events of weddings!
Bednobs, I only got an invite for one of the other two weddings as one of the women I don't really know and the other one is a good friend but she has already mentioned that she can't afford everyone there. My point is, I didn't know this was done. It is only recently that I learnt people did this. I just thought (naively) that when you go to someone's wedding, you go to the actual wedding and spend all day there because that's what I had always done.
John - I was referring to the maturity levels, so don't go giving yourself compliments. But thanks, coz now I understand she is way above you in the interlect stakes!
As for my 'air head' receptionist job.. Lol.. please don't go assuming you know so much about me. Done many jobs before, many which I'm sure you couldn't and this one was simply something I got stuck in because I have so much fun there. That all said and done, the interlect of a person is not measured by what they can read from a book.