Octavius- brother you are bashing your head against a wall named Naomi - who thinks that consideration of choice should be given to 3 years old, well I am not against it if parents have the final say. And then she says that she is not with kids dressing up like models. After all they are still kids and they do not know exactly what they are doing. Had majority of the parents done that, we wouldn't have been trying to find a solution about yobism. Any way be careful when you go to Italy next, lol.
Naomi - You said that people use veil when it suits them. Then let me tell you one thing. In India after Hindu, Muslim riots in late eighty (i think) someone asked a prominent Muslim Scholar if Muslims decided not to wear Muslim cap and shaved the beard so they would not be recognised as Muslims and be safe. He said although it is allowed in Islam (as per Quran) but I have not seen anyone doing that instead the people who neither had beard nor used to wear cap, they started doing it. So I have told you before that Islam is a different religion in this sense, and people become more determined when they are opposed. And that is Allah's will, agree or not.