The virtues of reason are widely understood by more than just
Vulcans. This is evident in attempts by those who, after realising the consequences of having acted against it, use it in the hope of justifying their actions, both to a jury and to themselves.
Morality is making the right choice, that is, the choice which contributes to the life and well-being of those whose life and freedom to choose depends on making the right choices. Reason is the means by which the determination of what contributes to the life and well being of those whose life and well-being depends on making the right choices is made. Therefore
reason is the objective standard of morality and reality is the final arbiter which ultimately determines by the consequences of ones choices on ones life, whether ones reasoning is valid.
consequences of following the dictates of an unseen God and His self-appointed spokespersons or any other dictator (atheist or otherwise) of what they choose to define as right and wrong, objectify everything that is wrong with a subjective morality.