Ankou, I was initially responding to Heathfield's post about Robert Graves, and as far as I can see Keyplus hasn't entered the debate. As for roundabouts, do bear in mind that this is a discussion forum and you are under no obligation to climb aboard if the subject matter doesn't suit you.
Heathfield, Jesus had rich and influential friends, and since we're told they went to Pilate to ask for his body, and were given permission to take it away, I have no doubt that brown envelopes - or the equivalent - changed hands.
Chakka, No one can say, as you have, that it's all fantasy. That can only possibly be an assumption. The simple truth is none of us know whether Jesus existed or not, so it isn't reasonable to say I am unwise to consider the New Testament as any record of the times, since this is the only record (if it is a record) we have of the life of Jesus. Of course the information we're given concerning the census are nonsense, along with a lot more - we know that - but as you know, I think there is some truth in most ancient writings, I believe Jesus existed, I don't for one moment believe he was supernatural in any way whatsoever, and bearing in mind the influence his story has had on the world, I think it warrants serious investigation to the best of our ability.