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why wont god heal amputees?

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RATTER15 | 09:30 Thu 29th Apr 2010 | Society & Culture
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Sorry but there is another answer. God may well answer all prayers but often the answer is "no"
There is yet a third answer

God exists, is evil and enjoys watching the suffering of humanity.

It's remarkably consistant with what we see in the world.

Even the good can be seen as an way to highlight the inequalities in the world, so that humanity doesn't even have the consolation of thinking "at least we're all in it together".

In this view those who worship God are effectively "collaborators"
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I read the question somewhere (forgotten where) that if Jesus could cure the blind, why didn't he cure blindness? (Sorry, I haven't read your link, but I'll read it tomorrow).
If he's omnipotent why does he let people lose limbs in the first place?
^^ 'Cos he's not - and never was.
In the case of amputees, woofgang, the answers is ALWAYS no. Either he exists and never answers prayers, or he exists but hates amputees, or he doesn't exist.
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I've now read some of your link, Ratter, and I intend to read the rest. Excellent.
he doesnt want to mess up their disability benefit?
mr kicker states: if god is willing to prevent evil (or suffering) but not able then he is not omnipotent. if he is able but not willing, then he must be malevolent. if he is not willing nor able then why call him god? why else do bad things happen to good people? x
I'm not sure the regrowth of limbs would prove the existence of God, but if so, does the fact that newts regrow limbs prove it?
stonekicker, Epicurus said something remarkably similar. Great minds think alike, eh? ;o)
p.s. i'm a severely lapsed catholic and mr kicker grew up as a jw (of course not through choice). you should hear the religious discussions in our house. lurvely! x
Those links put forward some spurious propositions. For instance ...

"If God is imaginary, then religion is a complete illusion. Christianity, Judaism and Islam are pointless"

Well, that's nonsense.

The point of "religion" is not to be proved correct about the existence of a supernatural deity.

The point of religion is to create order.

Order in our lives, and order in our minds.

Many people, whilst not believing in a divine creator (or in Father Christmas, or that Elvis is alive and living in Croydon) ... they still believe that we should live our lives in a way that is essentially consistent with quasi religious principles.

You might call them Humanists.

For such people, the religious guidelines handed down through the generations are important. Belief in a divine super-being is not important.

Hence ... even if God is imaginary (Ha! D'ya think?) ... religion has a value.

Those links seem to be saying ... "You MUST believe in the super-deity"

Well, that's just not true.

And the real answer to the question "Why doesn't God heal amputees" is ...

... If there is a God, then he's an inconsiderate little sh!t.
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There are people who believe that making someone an amputee for their crimes is following gods word as handed down to a prophet.
well, if there is a god i reckon he's a tw@. the blindly faithful annoy me as there is no logic to that kind of thinking. in whatever religion - i'm not fussy. i think it's your own individual moral and ethical compass that is far more important than what somebody or something else tells you to be or do. i would hate to be a sheep....baaaaah x
How convenient.

Luckily, they had several 100 years to think up that sort of explanation before the bulk of the Bible was written.

It's handy when you can work out your religious beliefs, and then have your Boof of Faith written to fit in with it.

It would be a pain for the believers if the Bible had come first, and they actually had to follow it !!!
(that was in reply to Sandy)

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