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Who is the Greatest Genius Alive Today?

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wanderer99 | 22:27 Wed 02nd Jun 2010 | Society & Culture
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And on that note
so nobody has paid too much attention to the word 'alive' in the question, then...
It's got to be my ex-wife. After all, she knows EVERYTHING!!!
Grigori Perleman
Bill Gates.
Marilyn vos Savant
Harry Redknapp

Tony Blair
Ross Noble for me - never fails to make me laugh, genius in my opinion lol
Sir Timothy John "Tim" Berners-Lee:

The internet is the single largest change to our society since Gutenberg.

Spare Ed
Spare ed maybe onto something!
He certainly is - wish I'd thought of Tim Berners-Lee...
> All geniuses's... genii...

Geniuses, no apostrophe.
you're slipping, that one's been lurking there uncorrected for nearly 24 hours

the words get a life spring to mind
Your keyboard's Shift keys are broken...
The Queen.

(and thats from an anti royalist -she is beyond genius IMO)
is that Shift or shift?
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No-one in their right mind would ever suggest that Tim Berners-Lee invented the Internet - that would be ridiculous...
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Who is the Greatest Genius Alive Today?

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