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Flat Earth Society

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Booldawg | 13:43 Mon 07th Feb 2011 | Society & Culture
45 Answers
I can understand arguments for/against the exisitance of a deity. But why on earth (excuse the pun) is there still a Flat Earth Society?


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They haven't got a leg to stand on going by fact number 3 here and as we all know, bees are always right.
just a bunch of crackpots taking the pi55, surely even the members don't believe it themselves, they just meet now and again and get rat ar5sed and talk a slightly different standard of cobblers than every other drunk! As jake says no worse that those who think the moon landings were faked or climate change isn't going on..
I love the 1G explanation! the turtles are also travelling at 1G acceleration presumably!
It has long been the case that English university debating societies often put forward a fairly outrageous motion which exercises the talents of budding barristers, I think the Flat-Earthers are formed in this mould. At Cambrige, Oliver Letwin once won the the motion, 'There are no trees in Canada' !
the earth isn't flat?

so i'm not goign to fall off the edge then?
you mean its not a disc carried on four elephants riding through space on the back of a giant turtle.....
its is rowan, these lot are stupid
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I *heart* Discworld!
Only I thought I was Esme I not...? who am I what am I doing here?
well i think i'd make a great nanny ogg, i have a contender for greebo
Have you got the boots ......sqad is more like Greebo in his human form or is he Casanunda the randy Dwarf
oh yes, sqad could never fill greebo's boots casanunda yes, i could go witht that
Evey morning we open the curtains, make sure that the sea hasn't run off the rim, and thank T.P.
All we need is a Magrat....
Ahem.....who needs a Magrat......I'm free!
Can I be Captain Carrot Ironfoundersson

Or if not Constable Visit-the-Infidel-with-Explanatory-Pamphlets?
Hang on....isn't she the dopey one?
we just need a rincewind now
If the cap fits, MrsO :-P
I'll be the Watch werewolf instead

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