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Religion & Spirituality
Welcome To Religion & Spirituality.Here is the place to discuss religious and spiritual matters.
"Try and be nice to people, avoid eating fat, read a good book every now and then, get some walking in, and try and live together in peace and harmony with people of all creeds and nations."
- Monty Python's The Meaning of Life
I have a friend that ive known for 40 yrs. He is a (now, controlled) schizophrenic. But his religiousosity perturbs me sometimes! Ive read somewhwere that schitzophrenics are prone to religious...
And if so, How do you know?
Bible prophecy gives us a window through which we can see major events that will affect all of us. One prophecy in particular allows us to see what some of the most powerful governments on earth will...
bet evangelicals are wetting themselves with excitment...
A very interesting documentary from non-religious Stacy. For ten days Stacy joined a group of Anglican nuns who live in a rather smart purpose built convent that provides very nice guest accommodation...
Proverbs 22:3 Says The shrewd one sees the danger and conceals himself, But the inexperienced keep right on going and suffer the consequences. kjv says A prudent man foreseeth the evil, and hideth...
If in the forest I make an assertion about religion & naomi doesn't hear it, am I still wrong?...
naomi24 14:25 Thu 15th Apr 2021 This really s ridiculous. Who constructs a plan which obliges him to pay a ransom to himself? It makes no sense whatsoever. ////know me where in the bible does it say...
It appears that most religions appear to be making money than giving the spiritual guidance. Hae you noticed how their leaders get large salaries and live in luxury? This would appear to be especially...
What is the importance of the Bible in our life? How does learning the importance of the Bible affect our life?
https:/ /www.th eanswer bank.co .uk/Bod y-and-S oul/Que stion17 84561-3 .html...
Should we consider Muslims to be 'people' and treated like everyone else, or are they an insidious force bent on world domination, and as such, are denied such inclusion?
Mankind faces a crisis of its own making, and most scientists agree that man's activity is responsible for global warming.
And will have no end.
Impossible for the human brain to comprehend something or somebody having no beginning. Even I can't do it.
Aware this isn't a question but questions dont always fit this forum...
Left my local B&M today, just popped in to buy a few things.... When I came out a local street preacher was just starting up. He had 3 females behind him, (looked like his missus and 2 daughters,...
If I was still an evangelical christian, I would believe that these were the end times. Ukraine possible war, Covid and possible quantum tattoos rising cost of living etc. Much the same as when I was...
…. of living for eternity on a perfect earth inhabited by Jehovah’s Witnesses (which is what they expect to do) or the oblivion of death which would you choose?...
“People with university degrees of any kind were no better [at judging] than those without,” noted the report in Psychology Today magazine. And female intuition was dealt a blow, as “men did slightly...
Well, among other things, to bless someone means to speak well of him. What’s the benefit? The contrast between faithful servants of God and those in Satan’s world is becoming more pronounced with the...
But please, Just one Christian/Religionist here, Please explain to me the doctrine of eternal torment. I dont care what your belief is. Catholic, Muslim, Protestant, Evangelical or otherwise.. How on...