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Would you wish for heaven on earth?

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flobadob | 05:17 Sun 04th Sep 2011 | Religion & Spirituality
57 Answers
With the chance of hell hereafter. Would you like to give up all of life's luxuries so as to enjoy the fruits of other lives?


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Too heavy for me flobadob. Don't believe in this heaven and hell rubbish or even anything like it.
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Yeah, but...
Sorry flobadob, but to me you are here and then you are gone. Having lost my husband only two months ago I would love to say I believed something else but I can't. I've done a lot of thinking recently but don't think there is anything that would ever change my mind, even though I'd like to. I've give anything just to see him once more and tell him how I felt about him but know it won't happen.
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jan, I'm assuming the pic is your hubby and I just wonder is that the way you feel due to a death, or have you always felt that way?
Yes, it is my hubby, and yes, I have always felt this way. I am struggling to comprehend anything at the moment as the biggest decision every morning is whether to get out of bed or not. Some days it just isn't worth it.
no, there is nothing hereafter im sure, my OH would have come back and said so, as would endless relatives, friends, life is this, the now, you just have to make the best you can whilst you are here.
It is the ones who jeopardize their lives and everything else, who withhold nothing, that will gain eternal life in the new world.

What will a man give in exchange for his life? ( Matt. 16:24-26) Everything, you say. But how many give everything? How many give anything? How many have any time for God, to study his Word, to practice its principles when it inconveniences them? How many give up their will to do God’s will? How many disown themselves, really? Very very few, comparatively speaking. Right now instead of giving everything for their life they give nothing.

Jesus did not come to earth to give us health, wealth, and a long life in this world. He came to open up the opportunity of living forever in the new world, and the prospect of that life is what I value highly. (John 3:16) A true Christian would understand Jesus’ first question to mean, “Of what benefit is it for a man to gain the whole world and to forfeit his hope of everlasting life?” The answer is, of no benefit at all. (1 John 2:15-17) To help us answer Jesus’ second question, we might well ask ourselves, ‘How much am I willing to sacrifice now to make my hope of life in the new world sure?’ Our answer to that question, as seen in our life course, reveals the hope in our hearts.
The fundamental choice here, as I see it, is to appreciate, value and make the most of what you have and what you are capable of achieving or to give up and give into the pursuit of empty promises of the unearned and undeserved which is the true meaning of greed.

I am once more reminded of the parable of the dog who when confronted with the reflection of his bone in the stream, looses what he once possessed and what was real in his attempt to obtain an illusion.
To answer your question I would personally wish for heaven but I will not forsake Earth (life on Earth) as according to my religion God has sent you to this world for specific time and you should think this life as blessing and not burden. Take this opportunity and utilize this time to earn your life in the heaven in hereafter by doing good deeds. The most common prayer we say is that “Oh God, give us goodness in this world and the goodness in hereafter”.

In simple words while heaven is the ultimate goal but this life is as important while we are here and is gateway to the hereafter.
Why not just cut to the chase and ask "WOULD YOU SELL YOUR SOUL TO SATANNNN?!!!"
My answer? "....mebby!"

If heaven is full of Christians, that would be hell for me.

So no thank you...
No, most certainly not! This life here is preparation for the next life for those of you who don't yet know. Life would be very boring if nothing ever went wrong. What would you do if you knew you could never fail. It would be liking watching Formula One knowing that cars would never crash. That would be very boring would it not?

Does anyone else here agree with me?
> This life here is preparation for the next life

Even if there is a heaven when we die
Endless bliss would be as meaningless as the lie
That always comes in answer to the question "Why
Do we see through the eyes of creation?"
I really don't care because I am going to hell for sure. Bring on the debauchery and devil's drink!
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I have been a Cristian all my life but , when I die I want to change to a Muslim so I have 30 or so Virgins waiting for me!!!! :-)
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I cannot imagine nothingness, can you?
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