Ratter, ha ha! Very Good.
Khandro, no, they wouldn't influence me, but nevertheless I fear you under-estimate me. That said, I find your reference to 'a teacher' disquieting simply because, whilst one man may be wiser than another in many respects, the reality is that where the 'unknown' is concerned, however wise, no one can possibly know more than anyone else, yet people of religion depend upon others to 'teach' them - and the charismatic have the faithful flocking around them in droves. You need only watch a well-known evangelist, or a mad mullah, performing to see that. These people are capable of compelling the gullible to take leave of whatever senses they once possessed - and it happens in all religions - because 'faith' by its very nature requires the abandonment of the intellect - and that should ring alarm bells in the mind of every thinking man.