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Sabbath Mode!

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birdie1971 | 01:41 Wed 28th Sep 2011 | Religion & Spirituality
27 Answers
As if religion couldn't get any more ridiculous, it appears that orthodox Jews (who are religiously forbidden to do 'work' on the Sabbath) can now circumvent the problem of food preparation, refrigeration and seeing where they're going with electronic devices that have a handy built-in 'Sabbath' mode...

Is this insane or is it just me?


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Ahem, what's this got to do with the original post, please?
all posts in R&S are designed to allow people to vent, boxtops
Dunno Boxy.
I rather they vented along the original theme, then...

I used a pedestrial crossing today when I was laden with stuff, I must admit an automatic signal would have come in quite handy.
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LogicA -

“... So this IS your business? And what would you do to those people if you had the power?”

I assume from your overt use of capital letters, you think that it is not my business to challenge those people who tell lies and benefit from those lies. Interesting.

To answer your question, I would bring criminal charges to those people who tell lies for a living and who profit from those lies. It's called fraud. You'll find it defined in the Fraud Act 2006.

What would you do to people who profit from deceit?
LOL Boxy.... ;-)

I had to drive half a mile out of my way, because the police had blocked the road after a robbery.....
Birdie, I'm not sure you'll get a response. LogicA said she's going to leave this forum because nobody argues ... err .... logically. :o/

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Sabbath Mode!

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