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Is your God ever wrong?

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naomi24 | 13:19 Tue 01st Nov 2011 | Religion & Spirituality
143 Answers
Some of the religious here claim that Atheism a religion and that Richard Dawkins is its God. I disagree with some of what Richard Dawkins says, so how do they conclude that he's my God?

Do you, the religious, ever disagree with your God?


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Jake and Beso, perhaps it is not that they're unwilling to change, but that they find a current explanation unsound, and suspect science may yet come up with evidence leading to a more tenable explanation. I can certainly apply that to myself in certain instances.

Sandy, //But if people saw someone turned into a pillar of salt they couldn't play the Doubting Thomas. //

God's a fool to himself. :o)

Keyplus, it's clear that Allah got it wrong quite a lot - but well done for joining the discussion. I think you're the only person of religion to do so.
Tell me about it, I named my dog pluto and then I had to change it.
Naomi- No once again Allah did not get it wrong but we human could not understand. Only difference is that I as human accept that human knowledge is imperfect but knowing you, you would never.
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Keyplus, I accept that human knowledge is imperfect - but so was Allah's. We've proven that here many times, so let's not go down that path again. If you're in denial, then so be it. I don't want this turned into another 'All about Islam' thread as so many others have been.
So Allah and the Christian God both got it right when they subjugated woman unto man?

The failure of so many theocracies to prosper is bound to that doctrine. Those countries where women are recognised as eqaul to men are those countries which employ their resources productively and lead the world.

Primitive theocracies where men are intimidated by the competence of women and the contribution they can make are places that will never realise their potential.
Maybe God has tired of the pillar of salt thing. Perhaps spontaneous human combustion is really a sign of his hand at work and we, 'seeing through a glass darkly', can't see it.
I still think there are a few here in AB who would do well to keep a fire extinguisher close at all times.
////Keyplus, I accept that human knowledge is imperfect - but so was Allah's. We've proven that here many times,////

No, you have not proved here anything but you think you have. Another example of human imperfection. Now I would let you get back to your original question as I would not do what you usually do.
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Sandy, you see, that's where he's got you. Fear. ;o)

Keyplus, I have no idea what you're talking about, but please don't elaborate. We will, as you suggest, get back to the original question.
Naomi, I was thinking it would be the atheists amongst us who might need the fire extinguishers.
If I spontaneously ignited right now I'd be sure of a place in heaven.
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Sandy, I know what you were thinking - and the very idea emanates from fear. Personally, I never felt the need for an on-board fire extinguisher. Let the barbaric, psychopathic old git do his worst. Atheists won't feel a thing!
"If I spontaneously ignited right now I'd be"....hoping for an ambulance and a hospital bed.

atheists are survivors fighting for this life, not dwindling hope of the next.
Scientific investigation itself as a methodology is completely objective, unbiased and egoless, but Jake is absolutely right about some scientists.

They forget how science is supposed to work and become dogmatic and stubborn. Refusing to question the accepted wisdom. They're human after all, and I suppose it's hard to let go of a belief in the truth of something when you've based a lifetime's work around it. don't believe in spontaneous combusion as well as god do you? Is there no end to this madness?where does it say in the bible something like 'And on the nth day He created spontaneous combustion so that aged clerics and lonely old drunks can ascend to heaven on a pillar of fire'
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Well, he did it to a manky(sp) old bush, so no reason he can't do it to a person I suppose. Zapppp! ;o)
jomifl, he turned Lot's wife into a pillar of salt, and as Naomi points out, he set a burning bush to guide Moses. Why should he not dispatch a thunderbolt which might seem to us to be spontaneous combustion?
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Sandy, he guided the Israelites with a cloud by day and a pillar of fire by night. The bush he ignited became a two-way radio to enable him to speak to Moses. I think he's been all out of thunderbolts for at least a couple of thousand years. Not a word has been heard from him - unless you believe in wishful thinking.
Im still waiting for my thunderbolt!!
You must remember the Bishop of Durham, (was it David Jenkins?) who angered the Almighty by voicing his doubts about the Immaculate Conception. A thunderbolt set the cathedral on fire.
Surely more than a coincidence?
Ratter, I say a decade of The Rosary every morning and night for all the atheists here in AB. Because of that I'm fairly sure that you're safe from thunderbolts.
And they say prayer doesn't work.
But Sandy, I have been praying for him to send me one!!

Prayer doesn't work!!!

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