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Are the World’s Religions Near Their End?

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Truthabounds | 13:47 Mon 14th Nov 2011 | Religion & Spirituality
62 Answers
I would prefer it if the atheistic group on here did not answer this question. Because I know what they think. I want to see what religionists think.


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Redheadthere, //Which ones? Seems you are on a mission Naomi24//

An odd thing to say considering that four minutes before you were still trying to figure if I am a believer in a supreme creator or just curious.
Not odd at all. Might well be rhetorical. Don`t be so confrontational :)
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The beauty with AB is that you can't just choose a selective group of respondents, that would be discriminatory. So you're gonna get an answer from anyone who chooses to do so, whether you like it or not.

I am not an atheist but a realist. No, religion will not end soon, it will go on for many centuries and, I fear, until Man destroys the viability to sustain itself on Earth.

Most religions have their fanatics who feel their beliefs should be imposed on others and feel justified at using many ways including some horrendous methods to try and achieve their goal.
Redheadthere, Not confrontational - just rational.

Birdie, first class reasoning! Diiing - a - liing!!
Ask not for whom the bell tolls.
Religion will only end when our precious saviour returns. The atheists will be 'gobsmacked'. I hope they're judged by their actions here on earth rather than by what they say.
There's a place for some of them too in heaven.
I think the Church of England may be.

Religion is suffering very badly in Europe but there seems to be not much evidence of decline elsewhere
Sandy, if Jesus ever returns those who claim him as their saviour won't recognise him - and he sure as 'hell' won't recognise them - or their religion!
If Jesus returned he would be crucified again probably by those who are awaiting his return.

Sandy - How many chances are you going to give him? He is prophesied to return about every 5 years. According to scholars the bibile without doubt said he would return after two millenia i.e 2,000 oh oh no Jesus.

Yet again there is an inherent arrogance, in all religions, which we are right, different calanders, different gods but you are all right. So many prophecies so many non deliveries.

As people across the planet are exposed to teaching and critical thinking, the more religion becomes marginalised. The children of muslims in the west are taking a secular view, not all, but a growing number.

Religion has to end, not in my life time, because like all fairy stories its a myth
Since the many different religions teach conflicting doctrines, it is obvious that not all of them can be true. Is that the way you feel?

A test is a relatively easy one to make. If a religion is not in accord with what the Bible teaches, then it is not in harmony with truth. (Rom. 3:4)
And tracing all the development of the world powers of Bible history. All opposing governments at that time was allowed by God and was destroyed because of the unfaithfulness.

Daniel recalled a dream to Nebuchadnezzar’s mind: “Its head was of gold, its breasts and its arms were of silver, its belly and its thighs were of copper, its legs were of iron, its feet were partly of iron and partly of molded clay.” (Dan. 2:32, 33)
So tracing the development of the world powers through the image, from head to foot in the stream of time, we see where we are today at world government represented in the feet and toes.?
A test is a relatively easy one to make. If a religion is not in accord with what the Bible teaches, then it is not in harmony with truth. (Rom. 3:4)

Wow you mean the bible was in existance when Romans was being written - which is in the bible!

If that's your best response you're really scraping the barrel
Ni don't think they are near the end, I think think religion will continue in varying forms for many years, probably for as many years as there are gullible fools that will believe this silly nonsense.
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//How many chances are you going to give him? He is prophesied to return about every 5 years. According to scholars the bibile without doubt said he would return after two millenia i.e 2,000 oh oh no Jesus.//

Where does it say he will return every 5 years? I have never heard it said that he will. With regard to his return in the spirit - yes and he has. The signs he gave to indicate his return, not in the flesh but in the spirit, began to take place in 1914. All the signs now show that he has been ruling as a King in the Heavens since that time. He will shortly turn his attention to the earth to fulfil the prophecy where he will judge mankind. His first act was to cast out Satan and his demons they are now on the earth hence so much evil and wickedness.

//The beauty with AB is that you can't just choose a selective group of respondents, that would be discriminatory. So you're gonna get an answer from anyone who chooses to do so, whether you like it or not.//

I expected answers. I just suggested the Atheists gave this one a miss! I had a good idea of what some comments would be – and I wasn’t wrong.

//Complete rot! You're suggesting that world leaders, heads of big multi-national corporations and the CEOs of the world's banks don't believe in God! This is simply not true. Name me one head of state who claims to be an atheist. For that matter, name me one CEO of a major multi-national corporation who claims to be an atheist.//

Think you misunderstood Goodlife’s comment.
I read it and he doesn’t say these people are atheists. People are responsible for the conditions we see around us today, “especially” those who have ” little or no regard for the creator and his laws”. No doubt some of these people do believe in God but that does not mean they put him first place in their lives. The first goal in to make money otherwise they would not be in the positions they are.

//Since the many different religions teach conflicting doctrines, it is obvious that not all of them can be true. Is that the way you feel?//

Yes it is. I have looked at a number of religions and have found nothing that convinces me that it is teaching the Bible or even adhering to God’s principles.
Brought up in a Protestant religion with a Catholic parent, neither gave any real hope for the future. Fear of hell fire and purgatory was the mainstay and even my grandmother a devout Chapel did nothing for me.
It was only much later in life when I compared the different doctrines with the Bible that I found my place.
Broadly speaking, I am encouraged by the evidence which suggests that faith and observance of pointless ritual is on the wane. Certainly, in those developed countries with widespread and quality public education systems, equality of opportunity for all genders, race and sexual orientation, and increasing affluence, the power of religion to warp minds is declining.

Several studies have demonstrated that with increasing intellect and education, particularly scientific education is inversely proportional to having faith in a mythical creator.

In the meanwhile, of course, we in those secular, liberal societies, have to put up with the fruitloops that are willing to sacrifice themselves and others on the alter of their faith.

Oh, and truthabounds - you and goodlife in particular use this forum as a soapbox for your evangelising. Given that, you do not get to limit who responds to your posts.
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Lazygun: As mentioned previously I know this is an open forum and it is free for all. I just requested that atheists left this one because I more or less know what their views are, I wanted to see what others thought.
//I just requested that atheists left this one because I more or less know what their views are//

I repeat, you don't.
Truthabounds, im sorry but it is not up to you who comments on these questions, its a public forum and like Naomi has said, you dont know peoples views on this! Whilst many Atheist would "like" to to see the end of most religions that does not mean they actually see it happening.
Most older persons, however, while agreeing that the world is in a bad state, will argue that it’s the only world we have. Therefore, they say, instead of giving up and planning for its collapse, we should be doing all we can to save it, to reform it
So what’s the answer, what are you driving at? the reader may ask. “Are you going to tell us that if we just be good and live by the ‘golden rule’ this will solve our problems and we will be happy? Are you trying to say that this will make the world better, and that all those dire calamities predicted will thereby be averted?”

Well,Jesus there provided a “sign” made up of many features. All these various events, he said, would be occurring just prior to the world destruction. And the remarkable thing is that these very things that he foretold are now happening throughout the world! According to Jesus’ prophecy, this means that the destruction of the system is near!

If that is true, you may say, why not try to get everything out of life before it is to late? What future is there?
And all the 'signs' that Jesus predicted (famine, war, disease, blah, blah) have all been present in the world from Jesus' time until the present day.

If Jesus had said something about iPads and Xboxes signalling the end of the world then I would indeed be worried.

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