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Gavmacp | 13:24 Sat 10th Dec 2011 | Religion & Spirituality
64 Answers
This is a subject that interests me. As to whether we have a spirit.
Due to an experience as a child I have always been interested in Near Death Experiences. I am a nurse and have heard of people that have been successfuly resuscitated (the unsuccesful ones strangely remain quiet on the subject) that have recounted experiences that are interesting though I could explain using a scientific approach. An article that I read that I find difficult to explain was that of a casualty doctor in America who put posters on top of cupboards and occasionally people that were resuscitated would ask why they were.


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ndyroe.....If you believe the Bible, The term “spirit” is used in seven different ways in the Bible, and is applied both to people and to impersonal things. Obviously, a failure to distinguish between these seven senses of “spirit” would result in confusion on the subject.

Why did Bible writers use the words ru′ahh and pneu′ma in seven different senses and apply them both to people and to that which is without personality? Because all these senses have in common the two basic characteristics of wind, namely, invisibility and force. Note, for example, the sails of a boat driven by the wind. We cannot see the wind, yet the fact that the sails are bowed and the boat is being driven over the water shows a force at work. Logically, the term “spirit” applies first of all to God, for he is both invisible, no man ever having seen him, and mighty—almighty, in fact. (Ex. 6:3; 33:20) Yes, as Jesus said, “God is a Spirit”; and as Paul wrote, -John 4:24; 2 Cor. 3:17,

Angels, both good and bad, are also termed “spirits.” Thus at Hebrews (1:7, 14) Paul states that God “makes his angels spirits,” and that angels are “all spirits for public service.” These good angels are both invisible and powerful, as the Bible repeatedly shows. (2 Ki. 6:16, 17; Isa. 37:36) Wicked angels are also referred to as spirits, Jesus often expelling these spirits “with a word,” from persons possessed by them. And Paul speaks of Satan as “the spirit that now operates in the sons of disobedience.” (Matt. 8:16; Eph. 2:2, NW) That these wicked spirits are also very powerful is apparent from - Daniel 10:13, 20)
I don't believe Goodlife quite has the gist of this conversation.
Is the impregnable wall cracking? First Naomi, who seemed to me to be as sure as a person could be, of nothingness and the teeth of hungry worms, as our only reward, and now Carakeel. Hallelujah!!
To even think that there may be a soul is surely the first tentative step towards faith.
Ah, Sandy, you're wrong, but you're a tryer - I'll give you that. ;o)
Naomi, the transition to faith isn't going to be easy for you. But you will have my prayers, and those of Eldermann and Seth, to help.
Give in to belief. You know in your heart of hearts that you want to.
Ha ha! So you're attempting it mob-handed now - and still no success. No surprise there! :o)
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I deliberately avoided the use of 'religion' in this thread as this was about the terminology of a spirit. Though I can understand people believing that if there is such a thing as a spirit then that may suggest faith.
I'm another atheist who'll happily declare 'I don't know'.. or does that make me something other than an atheist? I'm not sure!
My girlfriend's a nurse though and she's told me a few stories of people 'just knowing' when they're going to die, as in they've said it and died that day, without being in a particularly bad way. Others of them just staring at a place, as if they're looking at something that's not there. I'm sure we've all heard similar stories and although I'm not convinced it's anything spiritual / supernatural, I'm not convinced it's not.
I just don't see why some people have to try and claim to understand such things when we simply can't know!
Gavmacp, You're right. It does suggest faith to many - but as I said, it's absurd to attribute one unknown to another unknown, especially if it's done with any amount of conviction.

Paul, //I just don't see why some people have to try and claim to understand such things when we simply can't know! //

When I experienced NDE after being ceasored, I looked down at the ward from the ceiling. I saw patients call nurses, curtains pulled around my bed & activity on me; friends confirm nurses said "I had gone"! That position would give view to posters on cupboards.

Sis was in a coma with notice behind her bed claiming she could hear. When she came round she remembered my visit & what I said to her.

IMExperience sensory organs register the last moments before death to the brain. When on the ceiling I was being ushered into 'the tunnel' & said I couldn't enter due to the baby. Other's may ask for last visits or whatever, before they enter the tunnel, accounting for spirit visitations.

I'm gonna wish I never posted this but you asked :(
Tamborine, no, don't wish you hadn't posted it - it's interesting. I'm a bit confused though. Do you mean both you and your sister had a near death experience?
No, my sis was in an asthmatic coma for 1week. My case was different. Am just pointing out how the brain acts.
I think the person you are thinking about with the posters is Penny Sartori

Strangely her research was never submitted to a proper scientific journal instead she wrote a book

Some discussion about it here:
Ah, thanks Tamborine.
I have had experiences I can't explain, but they were real enough. My Grandma when a young girl and at death's door with an illness had a near death experience and it sustained her throughout her very long life. Who's to say, nobody really knows for sure.
//Who's to say, nobody really knows for sure.//

You did. But you forgot the '?'
eh ???
The brain is unreliable at the best of times, when is is experiencing low blood sugar and oxygen levels and is exposed to a cocktail of medicaments then it is probably even less reliable. Is it not likely that most if not all of these 'near death' experiences are due to poor brain function rather than something 'spiritual'?
I know I read about the stuff on the wardrobe thing on the BBC site ages ago. A quick search brought up this, but I can not recall if it is exactly the articles I read. However urban myth is appears it's not. Still for the interested I'm sure a more thorough search of the BBC would throw up something.
No gods/angels/mystics made an appearance to me, just my deceased uncle in long white robe stood at tunnel entrance that led to a brightly lit space full of 'welcoming' people.

If that's death, its not a frightening state.

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