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Are there Valid Reasons for Atheism?

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Elderman | 13:32 Mon 02nd Jan 2012 | Religion & Spirituality
257 Answers
Do the world’s injustices—including those instigated by hypocritical religionists—prove that there is no God?


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Yes it does demonstrate how stupid some people are Sith as I've already pointed out, i fear for your sanity.
same to you toby
Some people are lost and cant be helped....
exactly, well i would love to stay and chat but im actually quite busy...not being insane. maybe you could complain while im away, just to show how insane you are. eh?
Has your daughter been raped by another man and refused to marry him? well, stone her to death! that's what you do isn't it?
You make me physically sick.
Islam is the best religion for me... if your a bigamist, paedophile, misogynist, sexist, racist ***.
have a lie down Toby570...I fear that your hatred/intolerance of others beliefs,is ,well,boring..
Yes I think you're correct, Sith can never be boring.
only irritating
What's happened to Elderman?

Aren't we due for a nice bit of cut & paste to get away from this very good discussion?
Sith, //its common sence [sic] that is what he would have wanted. it says so in the quran.//

Where in the Koran does it say that Mohammed's teaching overrides Allah's? I must have missed that bit. Can you give me the verse so that I can check it for myself?
Hi Sith, There are a couple of points that I would like to make re. you post at 07:03
1. we are agreed that for arguments sake both gibril and mohammed were messengers.
2. Is there any evidence that mohammed was chosen by god rather than by gibril?
3. How do we know that god wanted 'us' to follow mohammeds example? It doesn't follow that that was what god wanted, it is only conjecture? We only have mohammeds word for that.'Common sense' is not always a very reliable guide as it is influenced by belief and experience which varies from person to person.
4. It doesn't follow that because god revealed his word to mohammed that he wished him to be an example. Also see point 2 above.
5. Judas iscariot was a disciple of jesus, chosen by the 'son of god' but not a very good example.
6. any 'example' set by mohammed cannot overide the word of god.
I have a problem with prophets that proclaim themselves chosen by god, there is just a suspicion of self interest and it has been done so many times.
I am losing the will to live now !!!!
Arrrgh! You can't do that around here, Murraymints!! Hang on in there! :o)
Keep up Murray, don't flag now...
A good Catholic girl like me as well..born on Christmas Day...met the pope in the Vatican...don't want to compete with Mr Icke but.....I AM THE MESSIAH !!!!...AAAARRRGGGHHHH...think I need to go to confession and lie down...what pennance will I get for being an ABr ?
try the Apotheosis, Murray, salvation there. (Actually wrote "slavation" which may be nearer the case.)

Just have half an hour lying on a nice soft couch upstairs in Chatterbank. That'll sort it and you'll come back smiling and refreshed. :o)
yo paul, calm down or youre gonna get blood pressure, and dont talk to me like that. i have a daughter and i let her marry who she wanted. ok? do you understand? or are you still blinded by stereotypical images and racist remarks? yes paul, there are some people who stone people to death. however mostly this is if they have murdered, raped and all those other sickening things. i believe and many other muslims would agree with me here that stoning your daughter is stupid. however some people do it. its not in the quran. its to do with misunderstanding, and also the coutry. it happens in saudi arabia. therefore you will automatically blame me for this because im a muslim. do i live in saudi arabia? no. so before you start going all haywire think. i have a daughter, so never say anything like that to me again, and i mean it.
Who is Paul? and why cant I express my feelings as much as you do?
personal Jihad sith?

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