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A question directed chiefly at the few atheists amongst us here on AB...

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sandyRoe | 15:51 Tue 31st Jan 2012 | Religion & Spirituality
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What fault is it in the human character that has led us, in all races, all times, and all places, to 'invent' Gods?


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What do I think? I think that some of the pat answers here could have been cut + pasted from the atheists catechism.
What do I believe? This says it much better that I ever could.

I believe in one God, the Father Almighty, Maker of heaven and earth, and of all things visible and invisible;

And in one Lord, Jesus Christ, the Son of God, the Only-begotten,...
15:13 Wed 01st Feb 2012
Cupid, another thought. //Leviticus was describing the physical requirements and qualifications for those serving the priesthood, which is now no longer needed since the destruction of the second temple.//

We're talking about God's commandment. Who said it was no longer needed? God? I don't remember that, but I'd like to look at it. Can you give me the biblical reference please?

andy-hughes, I understood Mibs post to refer to Christians. I've never heard of atheists having shepherds to lead their flocks.
//andy-hughes, I understood Mibs post to refer to Christians. I've never heard of atheists having shepherds to lead their flocks.//

Of course Naomi. My posts are typically addressed to those who possess a modicum of rationality, apart from which any and all attempts at comprehensibility have by virtue of the reader invariably proven to succumb to unavoidable confusion. I suspect by now most such readers have learned to simply ignore me. As for those who do not share an equally modest a degree of intelligence, to avoid any further risk of apparent condescension, I will forego making any attempts to issue an apology.

In answer to the OP's question, if it has not already been stated or any other more or less eloquent answers have gone unappreciated, the all too obvious answer, in the case of all to whom the question rightly applies, is . . . stupidity.
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so are rabbits, but i wouldn't like to think that christians were at it like rabbits. euww.
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It is sanctioned, in the RC church, for the begetting of children, and only then within the sacrament of marriage.

Birdie, could you be seeing slights and insults where none exist?
//I sometimes wish I had the simple certitude of the atheist..//

The question has to be 'why don't you?' If you know anything about Christian history - and I've no doubt you do - you know biblical texts aren't original, they are contradictory, and they have very clearly been altered countless times. If the facts were so vague that meetings were held to decide upon the divinity or otherwise of Christ, for example, or to declare the Pope's word infallible, then there has to be something very wrong. Men have created the creed and men have created the rules - of that there is absolutely no doubt. Surely anyone who has the courage to be honest with himself can see that? It seems a simple matter to me.
"It is sanctioned, in the RC church, for the begetting of children, and only then within the sacrament of marriage."

and for rc priests with young boys as well ....?
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Ankou, I was criticised earlier in this post for cutting + pasting. I hope I'll be excused for posting this.
"It were better for him, that a millstone were hanged about his neck, and he cast into the sea, than that he should scandalize one of these little ones."
Luke 17:2.
A sentiment with which I heartily agree.
oh sandy.

luke 17.3 - take heed to yourselves: if thy brother trespass against thee, rebuke him; and if he repent, forgive him.

so its all ok if they say sorry.
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Selecting oneself as best answer :-D
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Ankou, if they're in a fit condition to apologise after they've had the millstone treatment then I suppose it is.
Sandy, didn't you like my suggestion?
Naomi, give Sandy a little time to square the circle, it must take a lot of mental effort to reconcile belief with reality and still appear to be sane.
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Jomifl, when have I ever claimed to be sane?

Naomi, I first ventured into R&S thinking to play the role of devil's advocate. But as time passed I came to see that I, who had come to mock, had uncovered a long neglected bedrock of faith.
I suppose thanks are due to all the AB atheists for setting me on the path to belief.
it started with mother nature and father moon, and went from there ...
Sandy, I know that your christian ethics would prevent you from claiming to be sane so I would never expect to hear you claim that you are. I only said that you 'appear' to be sane. By the way I think it was a little precipitate of you to decide the 'best answer' so soon, since you had couldn't know whether or not a better answer might be posted. Of course if you had recourse to advice from the omniscient one then of course I couldn't possibly disagree with your choice. (without risk of being consigned to to the eternal fires..etc etc.) (:o)>
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Jomifl, my confession of faith, at 18:56, has left me emotionally and physically drained.
I will reply to any further posts here in due course.

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