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Atheist Literature

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naomi24 | 10:15 Tue 07th Feb 2012 | Religion & Spirituality
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Do any of the religious people here ever read books written by atheist authors such as Richard Dawkins and Sam Harris? If ‘yes’, what have you read and what are your thoughts - and if ‘no’ why not?


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Sith - I must admit that I am confused by your above post of '08:43 Tue 14th Feb 2012'.

You state, “... There you go, i answered your questions but now i have something to ask? Birdie you have not answered my question. When you stated i did not read it than i put this. You seemed very quite after this lol.”

Is there a question in your above statement? You seem to think that there is but I'm struggling to find it. Can you enlighten me please?

You also stated, “... can you answer that now??? or are you going to come up with another contradiction???”

I can only assume that at '08:44 Tue 14th Feb 2012' (one full minute after your earlier post) you wanted an answer to your question. Sorry, but I work for a living. At 08:44 I was at work. And what 'contradiction' are you speaking about? I wasn't aware that I had contradicted myself. Again, any help you can give me in this area would be appreciated.
lol, no, i know you work for a living, so do i, its just i put it so you would not forget. I just wanted you to know when you log on that i wanted an answer. I dont expect anyone to be on here 24/7 but some do :)

i wanted to know what is a keyplusian (seriously). i think that has been answered now. And when you asked what did i think of the books and you said i was avoiding the question i was just stating that i had, now in fact answered them. :)

Naomi, fine, according to you the dawkins delusion is not a good book. thats cool with me. Naomi, as a muslim we believe that genes are there and that they pass the information from mother to son/ father to son. Its what makes us who we are. I have a question and seriously no joking about, i want a serious answer. You do not believe in god do you? So how could something like genes, eyes or any for example a human be made just like that. I know you would say evolution or something along the lines of that but please give me a full answer. Much appreciated.

I also understand that you are being deep and for some bizarre reasons have become quite offensive for no reason but i can deal with that. Ive dealt with worse. So yeah, please answer my question:)
<<So how could something like genes, eyes or any for example a human be made just like that?>>
Good question, Sith. I can recommend a good book on the subject. It's called "The Blind Watchmaker" by a biologist called R. Dawkins.
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Sith, //You do not believe in god do you?//

I don’t believe that your God is the creator of this universe.

//I know you would say evolution or something along the lines of that but please give me a full answer.//

You claim to have read three of Dawkins’ books, so my explanation can add nothing. I bow to his greater knowledge and refer you back to him.

//I also understand that you are being deep and for some bizarre reasons have become quite offensive for no reason//

The charge of ‘offence’ where there is none is the last resort in a failing argument.

Incidentally, ‘Keyplusian’ refers to a Muslim-born ABer called Keyplus who used to be very prolific in this section, but who contributes rather less often these days.
Vetuste i have read that book. It did not convince me. As naomi is apparently so clever i thought i might ask her.

Naomi, you say // i dont believe your god is the creator of the universe//
So do you believe in any god????

Naomi. Isnt this being rude:

//I was initially surprised that Keyplus, who is usually very keen to gender support, hadn’t joined you in your efforts on here – but on second thoughts, I’m not.//

Sandyroe than goes on after this to emphasise my point. You have also done this more than once. This is not the only account.
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Sith, //So do you believe in any god????//

No. If, however, I am proven wrong, I am happy to concede that I am wrong. Having said that, if a creator god does exist, I’m sure it’s not your guy.

//Naomi. Isnt this being rude:

//I was initially surprised that Keyplus, who is usually very keen to gender support, hadn’t joined you in your efforts on here – but on second thoughts, I’m not.////

Rude? Why? It’s simply the conclusion I’ve reached from experience of our discussions here. It seems to me that your knowledge of Islam is somewhat lacking, and therefore, if that is Keyplus’ reason for not joining forces with you – and I could be wrong there – it would not surprise me.

Sith, if you can’t take criticism, perhaps you should think a little more before dishing it out so readily. To my knowledge you’ve done it on several threads this morning – not to mention your silly sarcastic response to Vetuste at the beginning of your last post. If you want to debate, then debate, but don’t resort to underhand tactics when you can’t handle the opposing argument because you will never win it that way.
sith, watch this...
naomi, i be sarcastic because you be sarcastic. after all i thought you wanted me to learn from you?

So youre an agnostic not an atheist?
i wansnt being sarcastic to vetuste naomi, i was being sarcastic to you :)
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Sith, I know precisely where your sarcasm was aimed, but I can't recall ever inviting you to learn from me.

//So youre an agnostic not an atheist? //

No, I'm an atheist.
'So how could something like genes, eyes or any for example a human be made just like that.'
Just like what? Just like they were made by god? I can't imagine.
Sith - “... lol, no, i know you work for a living...”

No you didn't. Not before I informed you. This is important because it shows that you do like to claim that you know things when in actual fact you do not. This simple statement alone demonstrates a willingness on your part to be less than honest.

You further say, “...and when you asked what did i think of the books and you said i was avoiding the question i was just stating that i had, now in fact answered them...”

Indeed you have. And I don't believe you. Why? Because you continually demonstrate that you don't have the first clue as to what these books are about nor what information they contain. You claim to have read The God Delusion and yet you said (08:35 Tue 14th Feb 2012 ), “... youre saying that you do not believe in a god but however you believe in nothing else. In my eyes that is quite silly. you believe in nothing???”. No one who has read and understood the information contained within this book would ask such an asinine question. Hence, you haven't read it or if you have, you haven't understood a single word.

You have also said (08:43 Tue 14th Feb 2012), “... The selfish gene. A good book. However did not convince me at all. Although, again, we muslims do believe in genes.”, and (07:17 Wed 15th Feb 2012), “... So how could something like genes, eyes or any for example a human be made just like that.”. If you had read either the Blind Watchmaker or the Selfish Gene you would already know the answer to your question. As you clearly don't know the answer, it stands to reason that you have not read either of them or again, if you have, you haven't understood a single word. I have to say, I laughed out loud when you said that Muslims 'believe' in genes! Hilarious!

I put it to you Sith that you haven't read The God Delusion, The Selfish Gene, The Blind Watchmaker, etc. There's no shame in not having read these books – billions of people haven't read them either. To claim that you have and to then make the statements you've made and to ask the questions you've asked, overwhelmingly demonstrates to all that you're simply telling lies.

If you insist that you have read these book then so be it. I'm not going to continue debating with you on this matter. It is fruitless trying to have a adult debate on important issues with someone who doesn't understand the difference between a scientific theory and an unsubstantiated hypothesis.
scowie - Great video. Thanks.

Sith – I encourage you to watch the video if you haven't already done so. I'm sure you won't agree with Sir David Attenborough's conclusions but at least you'll learn the answer to one of your questions without having to read one of Dawkins' books.
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Scowie, ^^ I second that. Excellent video. Thank you.
Another interesting aspect of the evolution of the eye is that several different groups of animals have eyes that appear to be supeficially similar. When the detailed structure of the eyes in these different groups is examined it can be seen that they evolved via different paths to end up having analogous structures so that they can perform the same function. This is known as convergent evolution and there are many examples of it both the animal and plant kingdoms.
birdie, how can you attempt to know what i think. I was not on here at all yesterday. Why? i work for a living. I know you wouldnt be on here 24/7 but than again you just cant seem to accept that, can you.

Also how can you say i have not read the books. Only because i do not agree with your views than in that case you think i have not read them?

what is a gene? here is the dictionary definition: (in informal use) A unit of heredity that is transferred from a parent to offspring and is held to determine some characteristic of the...: "proteins coded directly by genes"

what makes you think that a muslim does not believe in this at all? Or is it only because we question some things than to you we question everything? No. why would there be muslim scientists if they do not believe in science? i have gotta say birdie, you say that i make up things and lie. What about you? you say i have not read those books. how do you know that? You say that i do not believe in genes. why? most pathetically you try to attempt to make it look like i said you do not work for living. where is the proof? i hope you know what the definition of a joke is birdie? if not look it up ;)
This debate is getting a bit personal now. Can we return to the subject please and step away from the "you did/didn't/don't/do [Whatever]".

Sith, did you get the chance to watch the video above (posted by Scowie), what did you think of it?

I wondered if anyone could think of any fiction which could be called "Atheist Literature"?
thank you AB editor :) Yes i have watched it. I have no problem with it but am sticking to my own beliefs. Im just debating, not attempting to convert. some people here think otherwise though :)
Yep, I know :) It's the problem with these debates because ultimately neither side (and no shade of conviction of either side) can hold their belief and actually have respect for the "opposing" belief. I think everyone tries their best to respect the human beings who hold these beliefs though.
Sith, you'd have a job to convert any of the staunch non believers in here. The evidence that helped set Doubting Thomas back on the straight and narrow would even be twisted to suit their argument.

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