Very interesting, I do wonder why the theist always has to resort to veiled insults, as they scramble to hide the paucity of their argument and the diminishing of their faith.
I can imagine, the sneer, denied the intellectual input of atheism. You cannot defend religion, you simply cannot. It is a canard, an unsupportable superstition. Why does he think there is a "new" atheism? Because education begets knowledge. The internet allows debate that the theist was always denied. The anonymity gives the doubters the ability to be aware of those doubts in full bloom and to realise the non believers are not the devils spawn, but just "people"
Religion, but probably not faith, brings violence. The "righteous" deny it, for how can they admit, what happens in the name of their God? When confronted by it they seek to defend it. If it means contradicting the word of God or Allah, that's OK the end justifies the means.
We, in the west at least, are becoming more secular and religion is like Canute holding back the tide. When the Catholic church seeks to stop marriage between a loving couple, all it does is bring the tide a little closer.