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Where is God hiding and why.?

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vivandorron | 15:33 Wed 11th Apr 2012 | Religion & Spirituality
98 Answers
I do Not believe in God; despite my education which was in the Bible College of Wales.

Consequently, I say to those who are believers that, he/she is like an indifferent parent who allows its children to completely misbehave without any form of discipline being exercised.



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I can no more understand the totality of God than the pancake I made for breakfast understands the complexity of me”
― Donald Miller
Dear vivandron I think you are wrong to reinforce their belief in god and attribute his/her/its behaviour to that of parents in the real world - a poor and fictional analogy.
AT THE SAME TIME it is not for you to evangelise on behalf of your atheism (on which we both agree).
So why not educate them honestly so that they may make up their own minds, gullible though we know the believers to be?
Why not say e.g. "Some people believe that the universe and mankind were created by a supernatural being of but others do not. The believers in the supernatural creator are termed 'theists' while the non-believers are termed 'atheists' This presents a source of controversy because the 'theists' have no evidence for their belief although they try by calling on mythical tales of their god's acts as true history.
On the other hand the 'atheists' are not obliged to prove that this supernatural 'creator' does not exist. Indeed it is a golden rule of life that you cannot prove a negative. As an example can you prove beyond doubt that Father Christmas never-ever existed and is now just sleeping, having handed his role to parents?" Perhaps the message could be softened up for the sad believers - you to judge.
Gotta love believers - now humanity has no reasoning abilities beyond a pancake!

And as for Mike111 and his Pascals Wager - In the vanishingly small likelihood that an omnipotent, omniscient god is actually found to exist, such a being would immediately know the falseness of your professed faith and the cowardice and calculation that underpins it - Any being who would then go on to reward such cravenness and favour holders of such falsely held belief over those who have arrived at honestly held scepticism based upon logic, rationality and reason cannot be a being worthy of worship and devotion in the first place.
Seriously - Pascals Wager is a risible and thoroughly stupid piece of false logic. Rather like your soundbite analogy comparing the attentions of atheists here with the travails of the Spanish Inquisition, and wishing to experience the second. Someone who would prefer to be the central attraction in an auto da fe. rather than face uncomfortable and even sarcastic comments about their faith here on AB is either a masochist or weak in faith and mind. Which are you?
How ironic that in Mike11111's complaint about being "bullied" by atheists he says he would prefer the Spanish Inquisition!
Dear Mike11111, the Spanish Inquisition involving 200 years of grotesque torture of innocents was carried out by the Catholic Church and therefore an act of God. Are you sure you are being bullied on medium of
free-speech and was the Inquisition by God's servants just a slight glich by God?
LazyGun, you just pinched my next new thread. The utter stupidity that is Pascal’s Wager. Never mind, perhaps I’ll do it anyway. It might encourage some rational thought. ;o)
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Ann....I didn't change my views but merely formed my own opinions. The reason I was educated in the Bible College was because my father realised it was a good school; which indeed it was, from a purely academic point of view.

Mike, Example of sneering by atheists please and if you haven't got the intellect to win an argument then don't just say you were bullied, admit you lost. Your loving god will not punish you for being honest, being deceitful however might hav e different outcome.
Newsflash...God is a frying pan.. shock.
The poor sod is hiding from His believers . . . and who can blame Him.
//The poor sod is hiding from His believers //

... and has been for the past 2000 years - at least.
Thanks for explaining Ron why you went to Bible College. I am quite surprised as I always thought students attending BC were staunch Christians who probably wanted to go into the ministry or become a missionary etc. I have learnt something today. Still sad though that you think as you do, but you are entitled to your own opinion as I am too. :)
Why should God bother to hide?
I do hope no-one is bullying mike...................
Daisy, Good question. If he hadn't been in hiding for the past 2000 years we might be able to ask him.
No chance, Craft. I have my bottle of holy water and rite of exorcism beside me as we speak.
And his copy of Pascal's Wager. ;o)

Going to bed. Night all. x
"Going to bed. Night all. x".

See, I told you it works!
Oops. Not quite Mike. I should give up believing in magic if I were you. It clearly doesn't work. ;o)

Night - again.
Mike, you can think that if you wish, you can run but you cannot hide...
//Where Is God Hiding And Why.?//

Logic dictates looking in the obvious place first. Have you checked the corn flakes?

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