Keyplus, //If anything has no place in a civilised society then there is nothing to worry about as it should die off itself for a very simple reason that civilised people will reject it.//
That’s the whole point. Civilised people are, quite rightly, rejecting it – as many of the posts on this thread demonstrate. However, you and your fellow believers are not rejecting it - you’re accepting it and you’re embracing it - so what does that make you?
//Although I believe my words does not need adding as it covers everything and most importantly EVERYONE. You just wait and see.//
So what are we waiting to see? Muslims coming to the west to show us the way, the flag of Islam flying over Downing Street, marriages of grown men to children becoming acceptable, female genital mutilation becoming acceptable, and Allah hanging us upside down whilst you laugh from behind the wall? Yes, indeed, you’ve told us //As far as the domination of Islam is concerned. Truth always come out on top, sooner or later. You believe it or not. Your problem.//
All that has come from you, Keyplus. Is that what we’re waiting to see?