We've noticed it's got a bit "rough" in here recently.
We'd like this section to be accessible to all without fear of being "ambushed" by members who simply disagree with them.
Please remember calling someone an idiot (or similar) is very unlikely to aid the changing of their perspective.
We're not asking you to change what you say - we're asking you to change the way you say it.
In other news: we now have a small "welcome box" between the "enter a question" box and the questions below. Suggestions welcome for things we could pop in there.
Religion is a hugely emotive and intensely personal thing, though. I think that most religious people find it difficult or even impossible to explain why they believe what they believe. There's no provable "2+2=4" formula and the atheists exploit that by reductio ad absurdum claiming that since they can't explain their beliefs then they are stupid for holding them in the first place.
They claim the right to have their views respected even though as you point out they cannot justify them any more than people like David Icke can justify his or those who believe in things like witchcraft can justify theirs.
Not only do they claim the right to have their views respected over other patently absurd beliefs but they claim the right to have them foisted on others.
The mandatory act of worship in schools
Bishops in the House of Lords
Disestablish the church, get your magic books out of public schools
And then they can be entitled to their opinions all day long
In short to paraphrase Harold Wilson "Get your tanks off of our lawn!"
DT, if you've got someone to complain about or report, why not do so? The Report button is there for all to use. Failing that, dropping snide hints doesn't seem to be the way to go.